Results for "Tex Avery"

Hearts and Flowers – Part 2
Animation Trails
February 12, 2020 posted by Charles Gardner

Hearts and Flowers – Part 2

Only a few days left until Valentine’s Day. So gather ye rosebuds while ye may, from the dazzling bouquets of animated blooms from Hollywood’s Golden Era.

Animation Ski Trails – 3
Animation Trails
January 22, 2020 posted by Charles Gardner

Animation Ski Trails – 3

Many post-war cartoon notables would follow the ski trails through the twists and turns of the 1950’s. Here’s how they did it.

Animation Ski Trails – 2
Animation Trails
January 15, 2020 posted by Charles Gardner

Animation Ski Trails – 2

Again we ascend the peaks of Hollywood’s golden era for more frozen frolics with the champion winter athletes of Toontown, as they pursue the perilous pastime of skiing!

Countdown to 2020: Time Waits For No Toon
Animation Trails
December 11, 2019 posted by Charles Gardner

Countdown to 2020: Time Waits For No Toon

An overview of cartoons dealing with the fictional figures and more anthropomorphic timepieces that have helped us calculate countdowns to the New Year through many a generation – clocks, and Father Time.

How Grim Was My Pilgrim (Part 2)
Animation Trails
December 4, 2019 posted by Charles Gardner

How Grim Was My Pilgrim (Part 2)

Well, the birds have been carved, and a lucky few Thanks-givers got their wish on the big end of the wishbone. But we’re still loaded down with leftovers from last week’s bountiful feast of animated Pilgrim depictions.

How Grim Was My Pilgrim (Part 1)
Animation Trails
November 27, 2019 posted by Charles Gardner

How Grim Was My Pilgrim (Part 1)

I thought it might be interesting to de-emphasize the turkey in cartoon importance, and concentrate on the guys and gals who got the whole holiday started in the first place – the Pilgrims.

Dick Tracy in Animation
November 22, 2019 posted by Jim Korkis

Dick Tracy in Animation

While the show was called The Dick Tracy Show, Tracy only appeared very briefly at the beginning and end of each episode, sitting at his desk, assigning his agents to track down his famous foes.