July 20, 2013 posted by Jerry Beck

Fleischer’s Animated News #7

Another edition of Fleischer’s Animated News, the Paramount cartoon studio in-house newsletter from 1935 (click thumbnails below to enlarge). This time, a new editor and an issue highlighting a wedding of one of the staff. This issue features some great gag cartoons and a profile of pioneering female animator Lillian Freidman. This wedding may have inspired the 1937 Color Classic Bunny Mooning. For fun, I’ve embed it below.

Fleicher_7-4Fleicher_7-5Fleicher_7-6Fleicher_7-7 Fleicher_7-8Fleicher_7-9aFleicher_7-10Fleicher_7-11

1 Comment

  • I love the little nuggets found in these Fleischer’s Animated News postings, Jerry! As a comic book guy, I especially get a kick out of seeing the work of future comic pros such as Harry Lampert, John Stanley and even Hal Seegar (he a brief foray into comics). I keep hoping one of these will mention either Bob Kahn (aka Kane) or Jacob Kurtzberg (aka Jack Kirby). Both had a short stint with Fleischer, circa 1934-35, so they may have been too soon for these house organs, but I’m enjoy reading them just the same! Keep ’em coming!

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