I’m sure you cartoony people are used to answering the question that starts like this: “I heard you know a lot about cartoons. I saw this one cartoon as a child that….”
Generally, I’m guessing, if you’re like me, it’s usually something you’ve seen a million times at this point and know pretty well. The next thing of course is that they want to SEE it again, so of course they’ll ask you for a copy or to guide them on how to find it. Youtube has been a saving grace as a resource point for so many of these now.
I’d love to see YOUR list of what cartoons people ask you about (and that means you too, Jerry – who may get asked this more than anyone…). The PD era of VHS and DVDs means another new generation will be on the hunt for old cartoons- and I don’t mind at all!
Here’s my list:
The Sunshine Makers (Van Beuren, 35). Of course. Why do so many people remember this little film so well? It must be the charm of the story, and the design of the animation. Make sure to tune into Turner Classic Movies on December 7th at Midnight (9pm Pacific Time)… they’ll run this along with others, in great new HD transfers….
Humpty Dumpty (Iwerks, 1935). I think this one is owed to the ending, or perhaps the Spooning in a Spoon song….
Niagara Fools (Lantz 1956). People always remember this gag with the ranger going over the falls in a barrel. Funny enough, someone has made a tribute here, with JUST those scenes!
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile (WB/ Harman/ Ising 1931): I think the cartoon people got the big kick hearing this song in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I remember thinking back then that most people won’t even think about the original cartoon. Perhaps Fred Ladd cared TOO much about it though.. here’s an industrious person’s side by side comparison!
And the Hippo sound that was reversed- though not sure they’ve managed an accurate version…
So now, what are YOUR most asked?
Well since you asked…
La Petite Parade (Paramount Modern Madcap, 1959) is one that many recall because of that refrain the lead character sings “Ra-ta-ta-tum, Army, Ra-ta-ta-tum, Navy, Ra-ta-ta-tum Department Sanitaire, Boom! Plop! Filthy! Disgusting!”
I Love To Singa (Warner Bros. 1936) is unforgettable by those who grew up with it.
I get many requests from people who recall the dog (Snuffles) from the Quick Draw McGraw cartoons – and VaVoom from the Oriolo Felix The Cat cartoons. “Savoir Faire is everywhere” seems to be a line recalled by many who do not remember anything else about the Total Television “Klondike Kat” cartoons it comes from.
Those are the first ones that occur to me.
That’s me- Savoir Faire, and the rest is a blank.
I don’t know if you’re still looking for it, but I think that is Klondike Kat
what is the name of the cartoon I watched as a kid?
all I remember is there is a stork spinning a wheel “round and round and round it goes, where it stops, no-ine knows” and there are neighbours who fight then cupid makes them fall in love and the stork lands on octuptlets or something
That one is “Cupid Gets His Man”, a 1936 Van Beuren Rainbow Parade cartoon. Dunno if you’ve already been answered or not.
Hello, I may not have enough information to be able to track down. it’s this old animated (I think movie) that I saw in the early 90s, but there’s a blond girl with blue eyes and a large sharp nose (almost like Aladdin’s from Disney) who starts transforming into a bird, at least her arms turn into large brown wings. I don’t believe she’s a main character, but that’s all I’ve been able to remember and it’s been impossible to search for. if anyone has an idea what it could be, I’d appreciate it
do you have any knowledge of a cartoon that starts off with two babies, one girl and one boy that both fall in love at (i think?) a young age, then proceed to get married, have twins but when the wife is in labor the dad passes out from shock, then shows the mom and the dad getting fat so the father is unable to play baseball with his son? i have no idea how to find it ive been searching for months
I love to singa… was actually called The Jazz Singer… and my 3 year old grandson knows all the words!
There was a scene in what I think was a 30’s B&W cartoon where everything went crazy, and the one thing that sticks out in my mind is a prisoner, walking around in the open, holding a jail window in front of his face. Everywhere he looked, it seemed as the window was keeping him imprisoned. He repeated, “Let me out of here, let me out of here!” through his entire portion of the scene. Needless to say, I identify with this guy and would love to find where this came from!
That sounds like a scene in PORKY IN WACKYLAND. Check it out here: https://fb.watch/r1pV0uRaJT/
Hey, does anyone know what the name of this cartoon is? the cartoon was About. little boy who lived in the house by himself He had A dog and a red chair he Would sit on and listen to a Vinyl record. In the cartoon they didn’t talk.I remember episode where a bigger guy with a dirty Tank top went into a Porta potty and got it dirty and the little boy clean it The cartoon was kind of In darker colors There were still colors but it was just Gray theme I think I watched It on Netflix but I can’t remember or find it On Google When I try looking up about it.
Btw I probably spelled word’s wrong
How about, “Sort of (sawed off)?! It looked pretty real to me!”
From some mid 90s MTV type cartoon. Character misheard “sawed off” as “sort of”. Hilarious!!
There was a scene from a cartoon that I remember but I cannot for the life of me remember names or characters. all I remember was that there was a walnut cake that had shells in it and the character ate it with the shells and they didn’t like it but they ate it anyways.
I’m looking for an old cartoon, of a guy retelling what happened to him that day. Whenever he’d say something, it would happen to him. One thing was, he said I fell apart, and, he actually fell into pieces. Hubby thinks it’s a Warner cartoon.
You are probably thinking of the Tex Avery MGM Cartoon “Symphony In Slang”. Google that one.
I watched a VHS around 1994. It was a short film, and done in a way like scenes from a book. It was about a little cloud who was blown away from his mother and his journey back to her. The end, he has to battle a hurricane surrounding a mountain.
i only remember the wolf (i think) had to marry the sheik’s daughter who was masked but whose eyes were amazing. When she finally removed the mask, she was goofy looking… covid kept reminding me of that scene but could never remember the cartoon.
Here’s one for me
The Tiny Tree (DePatie-Freleng 1975). One of the many specials that DFE produced. Chuck Couch is listed as a creator, producer, and director, and it was produced as part of Bell Telephone Family Theater block on NBC. This is a Christmas special focusing on a disabled girl and her forest animal friends. It was never released officially on VHS and DVD, and I used to get inquiries about it A LOT.
It had an impressive voice cast, including Buddy Ebsen (who narrated), Paul Winchell, Frank Welker, Lucille Bliss, Janet Waldo, and others. Johnny Marks was the composer, and Roberta Flack did a few songs here.
Actually, I should write a post about this special soon, since December’s next month.
Please, please do. I never forgot the special since I had a beloved VHS (from my very early childhood) with it taped off of TV, but I’d love to know the history behind it, especially that fantastic music. What was a fascinating experience for me was finding The Tiny Tree again on YouTube. Terrible quality, but I discovered that my VHS tape had about 5 minutes of intro footage missing. That 5 minutes was crucial, because it wasn’t until then that I found out that the little girl was disabled in an accident (rather than being born disabled), which then made the ending make a lot more sense.
I was able to find “The Tiny Tree” on VHS through an inter-library loan about 4 or 5 years ago. It’s become one of our household’s annual Christmas viewing traditions. Would love to see an in-depth post next month!
Anything to get AT&T’s Archives Dept. to consider a restored release of this is fine in my book.
I guess that I can leave this one out of my planned profile of Christmas-themed TV Specials in my columns for next month.
I guess that I can leave this one out of my planned profile of Christmas-themed TV Specials in my columns for next month.
Surprised you have more in the works to share!
I remember seeing “Niagara Fools” at a drive-in in the 60s; I was a mere tad.
Not knowing about the traditional Niagara raincoats, my warped young mind deduced they were death-worshipping monks, cheering the seemingly suicidal ranger.
Seriously. Whenever there was a “grownup” gag I didn’t get — gas ration stickers, etc. — I’d make a mental guess. Most were merely dumb, but the hooded figures by the falls actually worried me. Was that what the adult world was like?
Not knowing about the traditional Niagara raincoats, my warped young mind deduced they were death-worshipping monks, cheering the seemingly suicidal ranger.
Damn. Never even considered that.
Seriously. Whenever there was a “grownup” gag I didn’t get — gas ration stickers, etc. — I’d make a mental guess. Most were merely dumb, but the hooded figures by the falls actually worried me. Was that what the adult world was like?
The adult world is filled of sardonic, postmodern wit!
I get asked occasionally about cartoons, but the descriptions are usually so vague that I have no idea.
“There was a bird in it. And he laughed.”
“Was it Woody Woodpecker?” I use Youtube to call up a WW clip.
“No. Maybe it was a dog. No, a rabbit.”
“Bugs Bunny?”
“Who’s Bugs Bunny?” More Youtube.
“No, that’s not it. I think it was in Paris.”
“Do you mean the cartoon was set in Paris? Could it be Pepe Le Pew?”
“No, I saw the movie in Paris. Who’s Pepe Le Pew?”
And so on. Eight months later, it turns out what he was trying to identify was TO SIR WITH LOVE or maybe the Huntley-Brinkley Report.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
This is one of the better descriptions on record of what it’s like to field one of these questions,,,
Good evening gentlemen, I got one. So I’m 55 and I saw this when I was young, but seems like I recall seeing later possibly. Which makes me wonder if it was really old or just the production was aiming for that. Anyway it’s in black and white and has these mice and they’re mobsters, like from the 20’s and 30’s ,right ? Ight, then they capture a cat and hold her kitten hostage, it’s hilarious!!! Seems like I remember one of them boxing, working a the shit out of speed bag. I’ve asked around a few times to others that never heard of it . Perhaps it was a dream.
That’s We The Animals Squeak.
When I was in 8th grade, I just about drove my parents nuts on my crusade to video tape all of Chuck Jones’ Road Runner and Coyote cartoons off of Cartoon Network, plus other old cartoons off of Nickelodeon and AMC (back in the day when AMC ran old paramount shorts and cartoons). So my mother made the comment to me and stated that the least I could do was to track down two cartoons she remembered watching on television as a child. The first cartoon she described was a cartoon in which a bunch of elves bottle sunshine while the second cartoon she recalled was a film where a bunch of children are making Japanese Lanterns which get blown away by the wind. Eventually I tracked down these two cartoons, which turned out to be “The Sunshine Makers” and “Japanese Lanterns”; I shared the information of both films with her and she was very surprised to hear that these were originally color cartoons, as she only saw them in black and white on television in the 1950s. This search is what introduced me to Ted Eshbaugh, and also began my passion and interest film preservation.
You were lucky. My mom often told me of how the first cartoons she saw on TV were all black & whites from the silent era, but never really pinpointed one I had to look for at all, aside from oten telling me how much she loved UPA’s Mr. Magoo and Gerald McBoing Boing.
Okay fan of Road Runner/ Coyote cartoons…what was the name of the RR cartoon where the Coyote shot off lots of propeller rockets into the sky and throughout the cartoon, they would fall and explode? I’m sincerely asking as thought that was really funny, at least then.
Stephen, that sounds like Lickety-Splat (1961), but I always referred to Wile E.’s projectiles as “dynamite darts”.
Wow, Jerry nailed all the most popular ones I could immediately think of. A few I also get asked about:
Billy Boy (MGM, 1954) “the one with that cute billy goat that eats everything”
Bunco Busters (Universal, 1955) the line: “If Woody had gone right to the police, this would never have happened”
Sink Pink (DFE, 1965) “the one where Pink Panther actually talks”- he’s voiced by Paul Frees and says “Why can’t Man be more like Animal?” but Frees also voiced him in “Pink Ice” that same year
I believe the Pink Panther was voiced by Rich Little in those two shorts. Paul Frees voiced the big game hunter in “Sink Pink”. Both shorts are quite good 🙂
The PP WAS voiced by Rich Little in “SP” and “PI”.
I’m an animated works credits freak.
A long time ago, before VCRs, I was talking to a woman who knew I “liked cartoons” and described to me her childhood favorite. The cartoon she described was Hugh Harmon’s “The Little Mole”. As she described it, I could see the cartoon had made a real emotional impact on her. Most people my age seem to remember things like Bosko taking the same bite out of the sandwich and chewing with his mouth open or Tex Avery stuff, so I was quite surprised and it kind of made me look at those more emotional cartoons that Tex Avery rebelled against with new respect. Whatever else I might think about them story-wise, the drawings and animation is really beautiful. If you look at the comments on YouTube you see a number of people saying how happy they are to have found them and how they are favorites, the way the woman I talked to so many years ago did. I have the Harmon-Ising Laserdisc, but it sure is a shame there is no DVD version.
A lot of Hugh Harman’s films during that time do tend to be very emotional and less funny than what was done elsewhere (besides Disney). We certainly see this in ones like “Peace on Earth”, “The Field Mouse” or “The Hungry Wolf”. I remember “The Little Mole” a lot too simply for it’s story, though the way it ends, I kept thinking the message being told was to “stay ignorant” anyway, if only due to the situation the little guy goes through to come to it’s conclusion (A earlier cartoon “Poor Little Me” also presents an interesting problem of inequality in it’s story of a skunk family that has to be content to live as they are, isolated from the rest.).
If you look at the comments on YouTube you see a number of people saying how happy they are to have found them and how they are favorites, the way the woman I talked to so many years ago did. I have the Harmon-Ising Laserdisc, but it sure is a shame there is no DVD version.
It really is, even as a Warner Archive release, it would be nice.
HALF BAKED ALASKA (Lantz-1965) Chilly Willy eating pancakes…
I get asked about Bimbo’s Initiation, usually from people who were very confused about that bit at the end where a still-doglike Betty Boop does a sexy dance. They then get even more confused once they see the whole thing.
Fresh Hare seems to come up a lot too – “What’s that cartoon where Bugs Bunny sings ‘Camptown Races’ in blackface?”
I remember seeing “Fresh Hare” on TBS, WGN, and local stations in the late ’70s, and even then they’d cut out the blackface gag. (At least they left in the bit about Bugs’s “one wast wish”.) Granted, I did see “Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips” on a local station in the ’90s, so there probably were places showing the unedited version of “Fresh Hare” back then…
Inki and the Minah Bird (1943) … or really any of the Inki shorts by Chuck Jones. My mother loved the silent, hopping mynah bird and remembered it well from her childhood.
“Rabbit’s Kin”, the 1952 WB Bugs Bunny cartoon featuring Pete Puma. When I worked for the Festival of Animation in the early 90s, I got asked about that one a lot. People really remember that “one lump or two” gag.
Oh! One more: the Lauenstein Brothers’ “Balance” of 1989. Everybody remembers “that stop-motion film with the guys on the platform”, but nobody remembers the title or who made it.
I recall often getting similar questions concerning foreign/indie shorts people try to remember as well, sometimes I can guess it correctly, other times not. Often we see these things only once or twice in our lives yet one or two scenes continue to stay in our heads forever and it’s hard to come up with a title or who made it.
I often think of the random shorts I use to see on Showtime/Movie Channel in the 80’s that left a similar impression on me, often times I would rediscover them again on home video releases in the 90’s or beyond and it all floods back.
I can’t recall a list of my own or something related to it, but in terms of shorts of a more later era I often seen people question about, these might be the few more noted pieces over the years.
Kick Me (Robert Swarthe, 1975)
Sunbeam (Paul Vester/Speedy Cartoons, 1980)
The Big Snit (Richard Condie/NFBC, 1985)
The Cat Came Back (Cordell Barker/NFBC, 1988)
Creature Comforts (Nick Park/Aardman, 1989) (both Cat Came Back and Creature Comforts were constant filler favorites on Nickelodeon in the early 90’s)
Two Tom and Jerry shorts I have found that everyone asks about are “the one with the mouse who sings Froggy Went A-Courtin” (Pecos Pest) and “the one with the crazy guy who keeps saying Dicky Moe!”.
I get asked about cartoons a lot, since I’m a cartoon expert.
When I watch Paramount cartoons, I answer questions about other Paramount cartoons in the comments. On a well-known public domain Puppetoon, I was asked which cartoon had an overgrown duck, and I replied “Baby Huey”.
Most of the time I get asked about Warner Bros. and Hanna-Barbera cartoons they forgot the name of…
I get confused about which cartoons I’m seeing too, mainly ones I’ve seen from my childhood. I still can’t think of the Famous Popeye that had Popeye boxing, while my Grandma said to me, “Eating spinach makes you strong” while I was watching that cartoon because I remember the part where Popeye eats the spinach and the closing Paramount logo.
For years I couldn’t think of the name of that movie program on that had the Paramount logo accompined by a intense piano piece and percussion at the end during the opening and bumpers. I thought it was “Paramount on UPN”, but it was actually “Paramount Teleplex”.
There was also a “Schoolhouse Rock” song that took place at a football field from when I was little that looked new, it could have been a number of songs from over the years. It was the first time I glimpsed into that show.
Great topic, because I have a rare clip of a clip of a cartoon I need identified. I think it’s an Alice Comedy? It’s a clip of her, and this cat that looks exactly like Felix, and they’re on a wooden plank or pier, and they just keep walking and walking. It’s only a few seconds. Anyone know what this cartoon is? I tried asking at least one expert years ago but he didn’t know.
As a Harvey Comics historian, I’m always asked about “There’s Good Boos Tonight” (1948) starring Casper, mainly because this is the one where Ferdie the fox rises from the dead. For some reason, that really sticks in people’s minds. Unrelated, I’ve also been asked about “The Banana Splits” a lot and certain segments of TTV and Jay Ward cartoons.
Yes, that one always worried me when I saw the look of delight on Casper’s face when the now-dead fox could play with him. His next thought would have been “I’m going to make all the animals and children dead so they’ll be my friends forever!”
I had someone ask about a cartoon he remembered but couldn’t ID not long ago. Turned out to be an MGM Tex Avery (“Little Rural Riding Hood”). The Country Wolf’s, “Kissed a cow” line had stuck with him.
Oh, and ID’ing a cartoon villain as Dishonest John from Beany and Cecil for someone. The cartoon (cartoons, actually) that he was specifically remembering were “Beany Flips His Lid” and “Beany Blows His Top.” (It was a two-part story. DJ lures Cecilia away from Cecil by disguising himself as a hunky sea serpent named ‘Sexy Rexy.’)
RE: “Kissed a cow”. This is a good example of how Tex Avery’s sense of humor was so different from his peers. Most cartoonists would have had the character react by being reviled and going “P-TOO, P-TOO, P-TOO!”.
More creative types would have the COW go “P-TOO, P-TOO, P-TOO!” but Avery’s unique approach is the funniest and totally unexpected!
Well, obviously, I’m not the one asked about scenes in cartoons; I’m the one always asking others about cartoons over which I obsess, and there are a number of those. While the later MGM caricatured BOSKO redesign is not popular with mainstream audiences or even audiences at festivals, I grew to like the cartoons because they’d start out like the usual Harman/Ising musical cartoon, but they’d escalate to some of the wildest chaos I’d ever seen on film. “CIRCUS DAZE” contains scenes that replay in my head a lot. Another such title is a later BETTY BOOP cartoon called “MORE PEP”; I don’t know why but I liked the surreal use of under-cranking action in both these cartoons and others, especially from the Fleischer Studios because it just added to the hallucinogenic elements throughout the films. I also remember strange things like the time that ABC-TV ran a Van Buren cartoon about Robin Hood in reverse. Those were the days when all programs were still run on film, so there were times when those at the station were not paying attention and a film would break or was shown in reverse with images upside down, and no one would pick up the mistake until the end of the film!
I tend to remember long lost TV commercials that used camera tricks or animation, like this Mazola ad I keep mentioning; I always wanted to hear the piece of music again that accompanied the undercranked images of a woman racing along on foot with a shopping cart, gathering up all the ingredients that can be found in that product.
Everybody’s nailed most of the ones I get asked about….especially the “…if Woody had gone straight to the police” Woody Woodpecker cartoon. I sometimes think every single person my age knows that line, even with no memory of the cartoon.
One that I don’t think was mentioned yet is one which a lot of people seemed to have caught years ago and inevitably left a huge impression, but they don’t know the title…MGM’s “Peace on Earth”
I remember being terrified as a wee child with a cartoon I saw on TV (I’m almost positive it was a MGM Katzenjammer Kids cartoon) where a vacuum cleaner goes berserk and chases Momma throughout the house. I was only 4 or 5 so I could be wrong, and it was merely an early sign of my inevitable descent into cartoon madness.
An MGM Katzenjammer? Right on der nose… it’s Blue Monday, though the vacuum cleaner victim is really the Inspector.
Hmm—anyone want to help me? For decades I’ve been trying to pin down a cartoon that, in my memory, has a sandwich-board guy outside a theatre enthusiastically shouting about the racy melodrama that’s playing inside. “Murder! Mayhem!… And a big bank account!”
It would likely be a Terry or Famous short.
“On With the New” (Betty Boop, 1936) the one where the castor oil falls into the garbage can. I remember I first saw a colorized version of it in a television commercial. Took me five years to finally see the cartoon…
I’m surprised that no one’s brought up that the ranger in Niagara Fools later turned up as the voice on the tape in the TV version of Mission Impossible (THIS TAPE WILL SELF DESTRUCT IN FIVE SECONDS)…Bob Johnson,who also was featured singing later on in a Chilly Willy toon!
So that was who Bob Johnson was! On the Mission Impossible announcement before the opening titles!
“I wanna be a sailor” its the short with peter parrot and an annoying duck. the best scene is the father drunk at the table.
“Rabbit Seasoning”, “Duck Rabbit Duck” and “Rabbit Fire.” Everyone wants to know about the cartoon with Bugs, Daffy and Elmer where Daffy gets his bill blown off, not realizing it’s three different cartoons.
OK- here’s one I have never been able to suss out: A 1930s cartoon set on a showboat or theater where a hippo sitting in the audience repeatedly sneaks back to the refreshment stand and drinks from a large keg labeled “ROOT BEER.” Saw it more than once on early morning NYC cartoon shows in the mid-1960s. Does it exist?
Mark, in case you’re still checking this after ten years, that cartoon is the 1950 Screen Song “Win, Place and Showboat”. The root beer fancier is an elephant, not a hippo, but otherwise the cartoon is exactly as you describe it.
I remember one about a bear, that a factory grows up around and he becomes a regular miserable person working there. I think is was Chuck Jones, but I’m not sure. I’ve only seen it once or twice when I was younger.
Sounds like ‘The Bear that Wasn’t’ which is on the Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 3 DVD.
That was the Chuck Jones MGM Cartoon, “The Bear That Wasn’t”. Here’s a whole post about it:
I’ve known a couple of people quote Hubie and Bertie “Yeah, yeah, sure, sure” and then wondering “what’s that from?”. When I explained, neither really remembered the characters, but the quote and accent had stuck. Similarly once someone did something stupid where I work, prompting someone else to say in a dumb voice “Duh, which way did he go George, which way did go?”, but stumping himself and everyone but me on recalling where it came from.
I have one 30’s black and white cartoon I recall seeing as a kid in the early hours on The Children’s Channel in the UK which even the experts on the Golden Age Cartoon forum couldn’t help me with. The scene I remember involved a house party that gets so wild even the objects start to dance. A pot bellied stove gets in the action and dances with a tall character (either a human or humanised animal) who falls through the door of the stove and emerges from the pipe, still doing the same dance, but as a silhouette of burnt ashes.
“Which way did he go, George” started out as a parody of Lon Chaney Jr.’s character in “Of Mice and Men.” It was used for several different Loony Tunes characters and in a few MGMs, I think. Usually it was a big dumb character in pursuit of Bugs Bunny or another smart critter. At least once Bugs did the voice and line after a conk on the head.
the party cartoon sounds like Betty Boop And Grampy
The phase “Look fellows, I’m dancin’, I’m dancin!” is in several cartoons. Does anyone know where it originated from?
I believe that’s a line from the play DEAD END. Seeing how well the DEAD END Kids caught on, it’s not surprising that line also caught on as a catchphrase.
A friend of mind is convinced that he had once seen a Fleischer Popeye cartoon that featured the character Mister Geezil ( a semi-regular character in the THIMBLE THEATER comic-strip), that was taken out of distribution for being “anti-Semitic.”
I think Geezil may have appeared in one or more of the King Features Popeye cartoons, but I can’t recall right now. Anybody know?
Geezil appeared in the Fleischer shorts A CLEAN-SHAVEN MAN and OLIVE’S BOITHDAY PRESINK. He’s also in the King Features short WIMPY THE MOOCHER. His voice is a pretty standard Russian brogue without much specifically “Jewish” about it (in the KF cartoon, he sounds a little like Boris Badenov).
A Clean Shaven Man (Fleischer, 1935)
One of the “Popeye’s Treasure Hunt” segments from Hanna-Barbera’s All New Popeye Hour, “The Sword of Fitzwilly” had as the villain “The Grand Geezil”, a wizard who was an ancestor of George W. Geezil, who attempted to impersonate this ancestor and ended up shrunken and imprisoned in a birdcage.
I love you people.
I’m always searching for a cartoon featuring a party, a raucous house party, that is so wild that the walls of the house are bowing out and the roof is flying on and off. I know I’ve seen it, but WHERE?!
I’ve been looking for a cartoon with a young alley cat who does a kooky little dance. He puts his index finger atop his head, puts his other hand on his hip, sticks out his tongue, and slowly spins while moving his hips back and forth. I think it might be from a Tom and Jerry, but I just can’t find it.
I don’t know about a cat doing it, but that sounds exactly like the pig’s dance in the 1943 Looney Tune Pigs in a Polka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh11A41klL4
Peteykins! That’s it! Thank you so much!
A 1930s cartoon where it’s night, and there’s wallpaper in a room, and figures on the wallpaper (I’m picturing Humpty Dumptys) are moving, bending their legs and moving up and down. This went on for a long sequence. Which was that?
Sounds like a mid-30s “things coming to life” Merry Melodies cartoon, doesn’t it?
No, not one of those. It was too spooky, and I don’t remember any songs in it. It might have been a Scrappy, or maybe some Mintz or Lantz cartoon without a star character – I saw a lot of those on TV at a very young age. I think it was one where a kid falls asleep and has a bad dream, and the moving Humpty Dumptys were part of the nightmarish atmosphere.
(They were strictly part of the background; other stuff was happening in front. I often wonder how the camera guys who shoot this stuff, where you have some action cycling, maybe raindrops or running water, through a long scene, and you have something else moving in the foreground, and you have to be careful to keep the cels in order and don’t get confused and don’t let your greasy mitts get them all smudged – how they keep from going nuts.)
I recall Jerry mentioning on one of the DVD commentaries from Cultoons vol.3, that another cartoon that he was always asked about was Tex Avery’s “Symphony in Slang” (1951).
But Jerry didn’t answer…I guess the cat got his tongue…
The one I always remembered and couldn’t name turns out to be the animated racing stripes in Dad, can I borrow the car? Hadda seen that a few times back in the 70’s, but itd dropprd off the planet. Found it in you tube recently, quite a funny Disney show. Narrated by Kurt Russell, too!
I’ve got one that’s been driving me crackers for a while. If anyone’s looking for a challenge, this just might be one. 😉
This was a black and white cartoon (or at least I remember it being black and white…), probably from the 1930s at a guess, that appeared on a cartoon compilation VHS tape that was released in the UK in the late 1980s or early 1990s (and which also featured several much more famous shorts, including Puss Gets the Boot – I remember this purely because the mix of famous and not-so-famous cartoons was striking to me at the time). It was what I would now describe as quite Fleischer-esque, but I don’t know for sure that it actually was a Fleischer short.
All I can remember is that the protagonist was some sort of humanoid animal (I think maybe a dog-like creature) who was somewhat in the style of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit or Mickey Mouse, and there was a Frankenstein’s Monster-style creation after him for reasons that I can’t remember. At one point, the monster chases the protagonist to what I recall as being the roof of a building or possibly a narrow ledge at the top of a building, at which point he corners him, and slowly approaches, to the beat of some strange music, that ends each refrain with a really long note that accompanied a bizarre view of the monster’s legs seeming to stretch out really far as it walked towards the hero. Its knees didn’t bend, as I recall, but rather its legs remained straight at all times, giving it a strange-looking (and again Frankenstein’s Monster-styled) walk.
Rarely are text descriptions of music helpful, but the best way I can describe the tune accompanying that scene is sounding like “Dum-duh-dum, dum-duh-dum, dum-duh-dum-duh-dum-duh-dum – BLUUUUU WAH!”. It’s the only other strong memory I have of it!
I would really love to know what this cartoon was called, if anybody knows, please. I’ve even asked folks who watched it with me back in those days, and whilst we can all remember the short, or at least the part of it that I’ve described, not one of us can remember the name, or which characters it starred!
Oh wow, pardon me, scratch that. I’ve now found it (I didn’t think it would work, but I put some keywords into a search engine, and actually found it!), though I had misremembered a few details over time. It seems that, unless this monster appears in another cartoon using the same music to announce its presence, it was actually the Betty Boop short, Betty Boop’s Penthouse.
I guess that Bimbo’s experiments and the monster itself made more of an impact on me than anything else in the short did!
Of course, if the same monster appears in any other shorts, I’d still love to know. 😀
@ Top Cat James….”Lickety Splat” was the cartoon that I have looking for. Thanks a lot.
Does stop motion count? When I was very young (this was back in the 60s) I saw a show on TV that freaked me out. A girl takes her doll to the park and then goes home without her. The story was told in installments; over the next several days, the doll (in stop motion) attempts to get home. When she finally reaches the house, she finds another doll in her crib–she not only was abandoned, but replaced! When I saw “Toy Story 3,” I said “That’s the same story!” Does anyone else remember this?
One that sticks in my memory from my childhood when our local station ran very old cartoons, was a scene where a villain points a gun at the hero and says, “Stick ’em up!” The hero does, and his pants fall down to his ankles. This prompts the villain to say, “Pick ’em up!” The hero does so, and the villain says, “Stock ’em up!” again, and again the pants fall down! The gag is repeated a THIRD time! I get the feeling that the source of the gag shouldn’t be too hard to identify. Would someone please tell me the title, series, year, etc.? Thank you! :-)!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9DonV3c26Q…..been searching myself for long time….here is the link to the video on you tube…enjoy.
Hey, do you remember the actual series name and relevant info? The youtube link is dead and I’d really appreciate it!
The scene you’re looking for is from “parrotville post office”
My wife used to go on and on about seeing “I Gotta Singa” on TV when she was a girl. So, of course, I was hailed as a hero when I brought home the Golden Classics Volume 2 and her favorite cartoon was there! I underwent the same hero treatment when I purchased Volume 6 and “Horton Hatches the Egg” was on it.
The cartoon that freaked out when I was a kid was Iwerks’ PINCUSHION MAN IN BALLOONLAND. Iwerks’ rubbery look and the viciousness of that Scottish safety pin had me cowering! I was happy (or maybe: cured) to run into it at one of the Thalia Cartoon fests in the 80s.
My husband’s looking for a veriation of the which way did he go george done by bears and I remember Dinomite being in the cartoon it’s not junior and George iv asked any hints would be apriciate … I’ll look into any leads thank you
One i’ve been looking for: a vacuum cleaner chases two…dogs?…synchronized to Franz Liszt’s “Hungarian Rhapsody no.2”
It may involve a Scottish castle and/or a thunderstorm.
That sounds a bit similar to Presto Change-O. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDGWBtf9q_Q
Unfortunately, nope. The toon i’m after has a vacuum cleaner and Hungarian Rhapsody, that i am certain.
I’m looking for a cartoon I saw in the 1960s as a child. All I remember about it is the following: there was a lot of intricate detail, and everything was drawn beautifully. I think the theme had something to do with ushering in winter, but I’m not sure. I remember there being at least one clock on a wall. I think a cuckoo clock. All I remember regarding a song in the cartoon is “and blow-oh-oh. and blow-oh-oh.” I also think there were a bunch of small animals running about, but I’m not sure. I realize this is vague, but I’m hoping it rings a bell with someone.
Soon after I posted this, I found the cartoon I was looking for, once I realized that the theme had to do with ushering in spring, not winter. The cartoon is called “To Spring,” produced by Harman & Isling. I think I was confusing two different cartoons in my head. “To Spring” doesn’t have a regular clock, just one showing the four seasons, and there are no animals scurrying about underground. So, now I’ll have to rack my brain trying to remember details of the second cartoon. I hope this helps anyone who, like me, was searching for “To Spring.” Here’s a link to an article in the Paris Review about “To Spring”: https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2016/03/10/time-for-spring/
I have spent YEARS looking for this! I must’ve been around 4/5 when I watched it and the “blow-oh-oh” pops into my head at least once a month.
The absolute nostalgia! The joy! Thank you so much. 20 years later and my earworm has been found :’)
Hey guys im looking for a Christmas cartoon where two kids try and buy thier mom a thimble for Christmas. Thier father died in the war and the mother sells dolls.
Back in the early 1950’s we would watch old cartoons on TV prior to walking to school. One was about a skunk with no friends (because of his smell, no doubt) who was holding a party at his house. When all the guests had arrived, they kicked him out and partied without him. Still, he looked through the windows and enjoyed the party from the outside looking in. (Pour guy!) At the same time it was raining heavily and a nearby dam broke, causing water to rush down into the valley where his house was. As the flood waters approached his home, the skunk created such a stink that the flood water couldn’t even tolerate it and thus receded. I remember the big wave flood whistling a type of wolf whistle with it’s giant “O” mouth because the stench was so bad. The skunk was then hailed as a hero by his friends and invited into his own party(!). Do you remember the cartoon title and where i might find it?
That’s SNUFFY’S PARTY (1939) from Walter Lantz. AKA “Snuffy Skunk’s Party”… more info here: http://walterlantz.wikia.com/wiki/Snuffy%27s_Party
how can i view the w.b. cartoon in which bugs’s ski tracks have gone’round a tree so that the rest of him must’ve skied thru it?
Fresh Hare (1942)
There’s a cartoon that is like clue and there’s a dog detective that shows up and says no one leaves and it looks like an audience member starts to and he breaks a club on his head. Another scene he wants the murder weapon on the table and he turns the lights off and on then there’s a stack of weapons. I would like to know the name of this one Please. I would really appreciate it.
Will, that cartoon is WHO KILLED WHO? – a Tex Avery MGM cartoon that was just released restored on blu-ray.
Watch the un-restored version here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3qmpu
Jerry et. al.
Trying to find a 1930’s carton. Not Disney. A poor young boy, comical, poorly dressed goes through fighting, then led through a series of magical pots or pools in a river and emerges transformed. Perhaps to win a princess?
Any thoughts welcome. This one has bugged me for decades.
In about late 2008-early 2009 I went to a girl classmate’s 5th birthday party and before everyone ate the cake, the girl’s teenage neighbour showed everyone a B&W cartoon on his 16mm projector, (everyone thought he was a nut job)
It was about some anthropomorphic animal/kid (i don’t remember what creature it was) hosting a dog show in his house. There was a cat that tried to get in but the boy threw him out and pointed to the “no cats allowed” sign. Then the cat found a dog costume and used it to get in the boy’s house. There were some dogs doing some acts, but I don’t remember what they were. After that, the cat climbed a ladder and walked on a tightrope…but he got scared when he reached the middle, so a bee stang him in the rear and he fell off the tightrope. Then everyone cheered and the cat took a bow. There was a machine that expelled some dog bones and the cat took them. But then the cat tripped and his costume fell out, then all the disqualified dogs got angry and chased him around the house and eventually into the machine which blew up the house and the cat was victorious.
I just NEED to know the name of the cartoon! and what studio made it, what country it was made in, etc.
Anyone remember the MGM cartoon where the hillbilly keeps drawing up elaborate plans to sneak back into his house without his wife finding out. Things like, “Pole vault house, drop down chimney… ma will never know.”
It’s KILLING ME that I can’t come up with the title.
It’s not an MGM cartoon. It’s a Walter Lantz “Ma & Paw” cartoon called “Paw’s Night Out” (1955).
You can see it here: https://www.b98.tv/video/paws-night-out/
Ok my brother and I are trying to figure out a set of shorts. There is a story of a young child who is sent to their room and the drawings come alive. Story of a grumpy man similar to Mr Magoo and I think I recall a story about the circus. I can hear the theme playing in my head but I can not remember the name. It’s a trumpet and bass drum starts out “bom bom bom bom bom, ya ya ya”. I believe it was late 70s early 80s but that may have been when he and I were exposed.
The one about a young child who is sent to their room and the drawings come alive, might be the UPA cartoon “The Family Circus”. Check it out here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1q9reh
Jerry – this is a super old thread, but I figured… what the heck. Maybe you’ve seen one, or both of these two different cartoons. One has a little Indian boy with no shirt, carrying a little bow and arrow. He’s going through his day, walking and singing a part of a song. “Bubbe-you bup bup bubba. Bubbe-you bup bup bubba.” Are the lyrics, sung over and over to a jaunty tune that he steps to.
The other cartoon has a baby of some sort. He says, “I’m hungry!!” He is being fed all sorts of stuff by his momma. I remember in particular, an apple being spun and peeled with a knife and the baby sitting behind the catching the spiral peelings in his open mouth. But after each feeding he would say, “I’m STILL hungry!”
Any of this ringing a bell? Lol. Thank you!!
Yes yes yes that’s it. Thank you so much Mr Beck! It was Columbia Pictures Cartoon Classics Volume 6. 🤗
This one is killing my neighbour, in approximately 1998 in New Brunswick Canada….. when she was 7, they showed some 8mm cartoons at a birthday party. One was about some dog-like creatures who were operating a grocery store and they got a call for an order of a lamb chops. one of them went to the refrigerator…
But it was empty so he went outside and saw a sheep frolicking in a field. the dog grabbed the sheep and ran for his life while being pursued by a much bigger sheep. he tried to lock the door but it crashed through the door!! then the dog played “toreador” with the sheep and it crashed into some cans and got a bump on its head, but eventually both the sheep got away…
and the last thing she remembers is the dogs throwing fruit at the chicken who called for the order
Ok.. I’ve been trying to identify this cartoon that has a classical music symphony running in the background. At one point there are two white ( or maybe pale yellow?) ducks doing synchronized ballet steps to the music in what appear to be pink tutus. There is also a black-footed red fox watching the ducks hungrily from behind some bushes while they are approaching his hiding spot. As they are passing by, he grabs one of them, yanks her behind the bush (quite literally this duck was “ambushed” ) and the viewer only sees the bush shaking about, losing a few leaves, as we are left to presume the fox ate the duck after a short struggle. The fox then jumps out from behind the bush wearing that duck’s tutu and takes up the synchronized ballet/dance steps with the other duck, looking to disguise his intentions of eating her too. This duck is onto his scheme though and starts taunting, smiling, and snapping her “duck teeth” at him a couple times, all while running away from him as the chase is on! This is the scene I remember most, although the cartoon continues onto other scenes with the symphonic music piece playing throughout.. I thought this may possibly have been a Walter Lantz, Tex Avery, or Merrie Melodies production? I welcome anyone’s knowledgable input on that or even a title. Thanks!
That sounds like the Andy Panda cartoon “The Poet and Peasant”. Released Monday 18 March 1946.
Hello! So happy to have found you – googling and YouTube searches just haven’t done it.
Looking for an early maybe MGM cartoon where these rich people (mice maybe?) get either audited from the tax man or for whatever reason, they quickly switch their rich, lavishly decorated house into a shabby poor house by flipping over artwork and furniture.
My husband thinks it’s a take of a Honeymooners episode where they do something similar.
This has been in my head for years! Anyone?
That was a 1937 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies cartoon called THE FELLA WITH A FIDDLE. Check it out on DailyMotion here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4d8tdg
Hi everyone, so i will be extremely happy if you help me found two early cartoons i had back in the day on vhs.
i search all the internet with no results, all i can remembrer is that the first one was a short cartoon in Van Beauren / Fleischer studios style that talk about dentistry, it shows a little guardian who lives in a mouth in a castle and he is talking about the importance of oral hygiene while singing, they showed him in a war with carries and cavities ect .. i think the cartoon had some real actors scenes where we see a dentist cabinet … it was in black and white.
The second one was in the same vhs but all i can remembrer is a scary old man who love money, especially a scene when he rub a coin so hard with his thumb the eagle on that coin get out from it and fly.
I will be more than happy to find those. Thanks in advance ! (And sorry for my bad english)
I think the first one about dentistry is WINKY THE WATCHMAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8pfXigbPRI
I can see the one with the scary miser who rubs the money in my minds eye… It sounds like LITTLE DUTCH MILL or GREEDY HUMPTY DUMPTY… I’m not sure.
OMG thanks A LOT for WINKY THE WATCHMAN it been over 20 years the last time i saw it !! THANK YOU !
For the second one it’s not both of thoses, what i remember beside that scene with him rubbing the coin with his thumb until the engraved eagle fly away, is that this scene was in a small hut house in the middle of a dark scary forest, the old man is dressed like Ebenezer Scrooge i guess with the hat and all black.
The eagle coin was a Deutsche Mark similar to this one.
Found it !! it was this scene
Can you recognize the cartoon from this scene ?
Ahh! I got it. It’s THE WEE MEN – and that scene is at 5:40
Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCjOqbOJm94
YES YES YES !!! oh thanks A LOT Mr Beck you made my day !
Hoping to utilize the expertise present in this thread — I just came across a cartoon posted by @bittycar on Instagram last night (it can be found just after the post featuring an illustration of a white rabbit). I’ve searched all over the net and keep coming up empty-handed. It shows a little white rabbit with a red sweater sailing on a pond in a turtle shell boat that floats up into the stars and around an anthropomorphic moon. The bunny then jumps up a staircase of stars into (what I assume is) a lush dreamworld…It looks like ’30s Fleischer or Lantz or something of the sort, with a heavy Silly Symphonies influence (think ‘Funny Little Bunnies’ meets ‘Wynken, Blynken and Nod’)
MARK – The cartoon you describe is a 1952 Terrytoon called SEASIDE ADVENTURE. Here’s a link to it:
Jerry — Thank you for the quick reply! 1952 –wow, I was only a few decades off! (Though, in my defense, it really does have that ‘1930s’ feel, wouldn’t you agree?)
Thanks again! 🙂
Who was the cartoon duck that swallowed a whistle and he whistled when he spoke?
You might be thinking of Tex Avery’s MGM cartoon BAD LUCK BLACKIE… or Hanna Barbera’s Yakky Doodle. Google those.
(You’re FAST!) I did find the one Yakky Doodle ‘Whistle Stop and Go’ and he swallowed a whistle but he only whistled once and he never did talk so that he whistled with each word. I’m stymied. Thanks for you ideas.
OK, I’ve got one. I saw a Christmas-themed dark comedy animated short once in an art/repertory movie theater in Cincinnati, it would have been some time between 1985 and 1989, don’t remember the title or any of the credits but I vividly remember the situation and the two spoken lines of dialogue (I think there were just the two). The set-up was that Santa Claus was getting ready to make his annual Christmas delivery, only to discover that the elves have finally had it with him and are in violent revolt. The first line I remember is from an elf confronting Santa – “You die, fat boy!” The second comes after Santa flees to the reindeer stables to make his getaway, only to find them empty except for an elf who offers Santa a plate of meat and says menacingly, “Care for some venison?”
I remember little about the animation style, except that it could have been a Hollywood cartoon of the 1950’s or 1960’s, or (more likely in my opinion) some later animators working in that style. Pretty sure it didn’t have noticeable stylization like UPA abstraction or South Park cutouts.
Anyway, I’ve been on the hunt for this for years without success. If anyone has any idea what this might be and where it might be found, I would be most grateful.
Seeking help in finding an old cartoon movie/short. from the 1920-60s? It was in color, and I used to watch in the 90s at my grandparents’ house.
The only things I remember are that it was in color, there were animals, they might have been traveling somewhere, there may have been a snake with the group of animals, and there was a yellow/off-white-ish road that was chasing the animals and building itself over them. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Trying to help someone in a ‘Weird tv from the 80s and 90s’ group I’m in:
“I’ve searched all over and now starting to think I imagined it but here goes. I remember a cartoon series that I loved. There was a girl with long skinny legs on roller skates, a round blue creature with bulbous eyes and a spiky green reptile. They were in a forest of trees where pots and pans grew. I remember there being other characters too that I’ve sadly forgotten. I remember making little models of them. It’s been driving me mad for years and I’ve done all kinds of searches to no avail. I’ve never found it on a YouTube video although I wish I could…… I hope someone else remembers it.”
Have you looked here?
Okay everyone need help figuring out a older cartoon maybe a short maybe a movie can’t remember just remember watching it as a kid remember very small amount of details.
Remember a professor like character with an accent standing in front of like a white board/chalkboard type thing and he would draw stuff at one point had a profile of that character head looking at like what was going on his his mind. Also think at one point you saw the story literally through his eyes.
For some reason I also associate a chicken little character with this movie(was chicken little just in the same vhs? Not sure)
Also feel like it went back and forth between different type of characters and story lines like a let’s check back in and see how this character is doing
were you thinking of this?
I’m trying to track down in which film(s) Bugs Bunny says “Ahh, your mother wears army shoes!”. Wondering, too, whether he used other variations (boots, combat boots).
Anyone can point me in the right direction?
I am looking for a cartoon I watched on VHS as a kid in the 90s/ early 00s. We had a few VHS tapes with some I remember, some I don’t. I thought the one I was looking for was a noveltoon or a terrytoon but I haven’t found it. The cartoon is about a sentient car whyo loves his owner but is kind of outdated. The owner dumps the car at a junkyard and gets a new car that turns out to be evil/ a bully. The dumped car ends up saving the owner and they live happily ever after, and I believe the last frames are of them driving happily with the car cheerily backfiring as they go. Can anyone help me find the name of this?!
Did you ever find it? I’m looking for the same one.
I vaguely remember this and am interested if anyone has found the title to it! Any luck anyone?
Can’t find the name though
OK Quick Draw McGraw – there was a one time character that didn’t speak but was this boingy 4 legged thing – what was it? What was its name and what was the name of that particular QDMG cartoon? I seem to remember Quick Draw and Babba Louie were scared of it at first . The sound it made has been indelibly imprinted in my mind for 55 years – help?
I’ve been looking for the cartoon where the narrator introduces the world’s strongest man, only to pan over to a puny guy who, when asked what happened, says “Ive been sick.” The closest I have found are Wacky Wildlife (the correct line) and Farm Frolics (the correct feeling) .
Help! My sister and I were obsessed with a set of shorts on vhs and all i can remember is ballet dancers and an instructor saying ‘swayyy, swayyy’. The like turned into trees. This was the early 90s but the animation seemed French and could have been from 70s or 80s. It was so euphoric, trance-like, and satisfying. Music was classic and the scenes kept fading into the next. Ive been searching on and off for years! 🥲
Im looking for a cartoon movie i watched when i was 6-7 maybe 9 at the most but the only scene i remember was is this :
Was snowy scenery, a family of foxes lived in a tree burrow, the father fox came home avoiding hunters and had his tail was shot off, and his wife was sad about it but his kids asked if itll grow back, but the mother and father looked at eachother ,
Thats all i remeber, the animation style fit buena vista , almost seemingly was made around the same time as bambi and fox and the hound, under a guess anyway.
This one aired in Boston circa 1973. The storyline is that a prince meets a mermaid or a Thumbelina type woman and falls in love with her. However, if he ever kisses another woman, she’ll die (or dissolve or disappear). And one day, he kisses a woman’s hand and the mermaid/Thumbelina starts to shrink. She goes hurrying back to say goodbye but is too late and shrinks away right in front of him. As I recall it was an unusual style of animation, like white lines drawn of a dark background.
I was trying to remember an old VHS kid show. I know it was a series, but it looked from the early 1980s to the late 1990s. All I remember was a little boy, maybe a grandpa as well, that were underwater in either a submarine or had a house that could transform into a submarine. Somehow the submarine broke or they were trying to fix something underwater and couldn’t, but sea creatures ended up helping them. I remember there was a hammerhead shark that used its head like a hammer (might have been red?) and there was a swordfish that used its nose as a saw (might have been blue?) Eventually, the thing that was broken underwater was fixed, and the kid and the grandpa thanked the sea creatures and went up to the surface to go on to deal with their next adventure. (It wasn’t “The Flying House”)
Me and my brother watched this cartoon that has a yellow baby chick/duckling (not sure which one), and it kept saying “Explore!” enthusiastically (it says like Ex-puh-lor! ).
It is quite an old cartoon, we watched it around the 90’s, but it could’ve been made earlier.
The setting is maybe at a farm, and there’s a main boy character, and maybe other animal characters too.
I think it’s more of a kid’s or baby’s cartoon.
I sorta remember the color is pastel or soft-like, but not certain.
Also, I think the one I watched could’ve been dubbed to English, and the original might be in another language.
*Edit* Additional info
The show was aired in Malaysia, but not sure whether it is from local tv or satellite tv (it could be from Nickelodeon, Nick Jr, Disney Jr, Disney, or local tv shows)
The style is cartoony, and the baby chick/duckling doesn’t wear clothes or accessories
*Update* List of the wrong shows:
– Wonder Pets
– Peep and the Big Wide World
I’ve searched it for years on google, but to no avail. But both me and my brother kept using the word “Explore!” whenever we go to new places, as a remembrance to the cartoon that we forgot what it is called.
Looking for name of cartoon:
1. there is a sleeping dog
2. owner kicks dog awake to solve some pest problem
3. dog wakes up, startled, fuming air through its nostrils
4. at the same time, the dog is hopping quickly, on four legs, eyes wide open, fully alert and looking from side to side as he fumes
I cannot remember well, but it may not be yosemite sam as owner, but not sure.
I believe cartoon was in black and white.
I am trying to recall an old black and white cartoon with two little boys (possibly brothers) who go on a hunt to catch a really big bird. They are fighting over a shovel to dig a hole “I wanna dig the hole” They fall into the hole and are stuck there. They eat a bag of candy. The youngest boy keeps shoving the candy in his pocket. They eventually get the bird and take it home to their bedroom. Any ideas?
What you are describing sounds a little like the 1959 Oscar winner MOONBIRD. But not exactly… take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U-PVZXR7WM
Thank you! All I could remember of this cartoon was the little boy singing I’ve been working on the railroad in the intro, and candy being involved.
who knows what’s that cartoon where a princess dances rock snapping her fingers and they king closes they door and Window to make her stop dance?
Any idea on an old cartoon, they’re in a candle lit? kitchen or store, and it’s closed so the items come to life I believe, and some of the characters sing like bing Crosby and other 30s or 40s popular singers, and there’s also a police microphone that comes to life and yells out “calling all cars! to chase someone with police like items. there’s also a very loud singing girl who keeps singing Heidi! Heidi! Any help would be appreciated.
Looking for an old collection of black and white cartoon shorts. One has a professor doing a roll call in a classroom, which results in the students singing: “we’re here because we’re here” and the professor replies”ahhh sit down”
One has a guy walking in a fur coat, which is so fluffy and big that you can only see his hat and shoes,but when he reaches a doorway, he can’t fit through because of the coat. He removes it to reveal he’s rail thin, walks through the door, and the coat(now on floor) is just a collection of live minks that run away.
One has a football game of a bunch of mice vs a single hippo
Hopefully this was informative enough, thanks for any and all help!!
i remember this old cartoon where a king gets into a hot milk bath that a pony dipped its tail into. the king stayed in too long and turns into a baby. but before that a boy gets in and turns into a handsome man. the king was jealous and stayed in much longer. if i could get help finding what this was id greatly appreciate it.
I’ve been looming for this too!! we had a VHS of it when I was younger, but it got thrown out during a move and no one in my family can remember it. I still have t found it, but I was starting to think I made the whole thing up
Like you, I was also beginning to think I dreamt this all up. I saw the cartoon once in the early 80’s and could only remember the boy becoming a man and the king becoming a baby. The pony was the key clue I was missing – if I’m right, Google + YouTube have finally come through for me after a few hours of searching. The show is called, “The Magic Pony” and you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1M-ClJuTpU
There are a few versions floating around. This original was a soviet cartoon from 1947 called, “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” There were remakes in 1975 and 1977 with English dubbing. Spoiler alert – the king doesn’t turn into a baby in those but the story is more fleshed out with run times around 1 hour. The linked anime version is only 10 minutes long.
Thank you both for the inspiration and clues to finally track this down.
I clearly remember the premise of the cartoon:
A team of explorers gets into a hot air balloon and travel to the moon. Upon landing they discover monsters and moon people and attacking moon bees. There’s a professor that leads the group, a strong man, etc…It’s from the 70’s or 80’s and I suspect it might not be from America? I’ve never found the VHS my mom taped it on and Youtube has failed me so far. I thought it was called “Moon Chasers” but that yields nothing on the internet. Hopelessly looking for answers, Hail Mary posting here and hoping somebody knows what I’m describing.
Moon Madness (1984)
Have been looking for this one for awhile. Such a weird movie. The animated movements and noises are just so strange.
Hello, me and my sister are trying to find one specific cartoon for a long time. All we remember is that it was from late 90s, it was about some angy animals on the boat trawelling to some island. It was really bad weather, they were killing and eating each other. It gave us nightmares when we were kids.
Looking for the old cartoon (circa 1960s) in which the character (maybe a dog) eats something (maybe a treat) and then wraps their arms around themselves and moans ooh and aah in ecstasy and floats up and then slowly returns to the floor.
Any ideas?
Yes… that was “Snuffles” who was a semi-regular on QUICK DRAW McGRAW.
Here’s a clip: https://youtu.be/MmPh8TJu2IY?si=0xyxzcJG40BzHCSE
Trying to remember an old cartoon(possibly black and white) 1950s-1960s, with a scene of a character (animal?) in a jail cell banging a tin cup back and forth across the bars yelling “Filthy screws, filthy screws!” Looney Tunes maybe?
I’ve been trying to think of this too!!
trying to remember a dr seuss cartoon late 90s early 2000s maybe.. recall weenie roasting and a house and a sunset and i think the cat in the hat but may have been another character. i know i had it on dvd! my mom got rid of them 🙁
This has bothered me for years! I’ve been trying to remember this show and nothing comes up when I Google it.
All I remember is there was one episode, might have been different from the others? Like a noir themed episode? There’s a raccoon detective and it’s dark and storming. There’s this sheep lady that’s called about someone breaking into her candy store and stealing her candy from a jar (jellybeans maybe?) and the raccoon detective helps her figure it out. I think there’s music? That’s all I remember.
My husband and I both remember a scene that is vintage Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies with Sylvester the Cat falling down the stairs in the dark. To provide some more context, Sylvester has been trying to catch a mouse who has run down a flight of stairs. Sylvester starts down the stairs (sound effect: Carl Stalling-esque music notes going down the scale) but the mouse turns off the lights using the light switch at the bottom of the stairs. So Sylvester has to go back up (sound effect: music notes up the scale) to turn on the light using the light switch at the top of the stairs. The light switch routine repeats a couple of times until the mouse says “click” or makes a click sound and thus the lights stay on. And then Sylvester goes up the stairs, uses his light switch to turn off the lights, and then promptly falls all the way down the dark stairs (sound effect: orchestral cacophony).
Unfortunately we can’t recall clearly if it took place in a house or on a boat, nor if Hippety-hopper appeared in the cartoon as the giant sized version of the mouse. But we do recall that the mouse on the stairs was a small mouse, because of his little paws operating the light switch and because of his little shape scampering down the stairs. It’s driving us batty to recall it but not know what cartoon it came from.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi! My granny has been trying to remember a show she saw in the late 50s or early 60s when she was a young girl. Any help is so appreciated! I have tried googling to the best of my ability and it is not the Russian movie version. Per her memory, somebody shoots 3 arrows, each one determines who a princess married. For 2 of the princesses the arrows landed near a prince and for 1 princess it landed by a frog (talking frog).
*possibly a scene with a sparkly magical blanket?
*seems to remember multiple episodes or parts
there’s one that’s killing me please help me and my brother remeber this episode but for the life of us can’t remeber and I barely have things to remeber but I feel like they were on a army camp like thing and bullets came flying out the shower and they tried to like bust out and there was this fish swimming around and this cat kept trying to mess with it but the fish would always best the cat I just wanna watch that one so badddddddddd
Try looking at old Beetle Bailey
I can’t find it anywhere but I remember I had a VHS with 1930s/1940s cartoons. One was of a bird in a cage singing to an audience “If I were free, If I were free” or something along those lines. Hope anyone can help because I’m going crazy looking for it.
Hi, I’m hoping someone can help me with this. It’s been driving me crazy. I remember watching this as a kid. It was animated. I don’t remember if it was a full length movie. Or maybe just a short story. But it was about a young Prince with a golden ball and he rolled it into like a tower jail or dungeon. And there was a ogre or troll in there and he had to make a deal with the to get his ball back to release him. And I don’t remember what happens from there. But I think the Prince is banished and finds the troll or ogre in a forest. And for some reason is charged to like watch over a pond or some small body of water. And he has to make sure that nothing falls into it.
holy smokes i found it! it’s a series called Grimms fairy tale classics. the episode was called The Man of Iron
Thank you so much! I have been looking for this cartoon for such a long time!
Does anyone happen to remember a stop motion Christmas short, that I saw on TV in the UK in the early 90’s, but I think may have come from another country, possibly Germany, and may have been older than the 90s. It featured a sleigh, which stopped when a dead robin was found in the snow, which another character, perhaps an elf, brought back to life with a magic wand. I think there was a fox stealing presents from the sleigh, and it ended with a happy family inside, with the fox and now living robin, and possibly a toy plane.
Going to answer my own question as just worked this out after nearly twenty years! This is an Estonian short called Kingikratt,known as A Foxy Christmas Story in English, and was made in 1991, the year Estonia became independent.
I’m looking for a animation (Cartoon) I watched when I was a child in TV almost 35 years ago. The beginning was a parrot in a cage came to the coast from the sea and a boy found it – and he started to talk to the parrot and went on an adventure with parrot. During their adventure they faced a giant beast something like loch ness beast or a huge snake with a very long and high neck that had ear problem for listening to sounds and using hearing aid.
Appreciate your help.
Sounds a lot like THE RED RED DRAGON, also known as MARCO POLO JR. Check this link for more information: https://cartoonresearch.com/index.php/the-red-red-dragon/
hello, I’m looking for a cartoon when there is a ugly character running after a male character saying in a very southern sounding voice “A MAN!!”
Been looking for a little while, any help would be appreciated.
That cartoon was POSSUM PEARL (1957)… you can see it here: https://youtu.be/lSVAsW9dIf8?si=WMVG984G_K-e90Uj
Hi. I’ve been looking for a cartoon where an orchestra plays ( the members of the orchestra were either animals or flowers, if I remember correctly.) Suddenly, there is a lot of wind and everyone gets blown away. Music notes are blown off the sheet music. The only thing I remember clearly is the melody of the piece they were playing. I could include that if that would be helpful. It looked like an older cartoon, maybe from the 1930’s to the 1950’s.
Not sure if this is what you were thinking of – but the grand daddy of cartoons with that plot is Disney’s The Band Concert (1935): https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7rs37h
Hi, I just remember a scene from a cartoon but I can not find the cartoon itself and the scene that I remember. I am sure it is not an old one, may be it is from 2000s but I will be glad if you can help. The scene that I exactly remember was like that: there were two karate fighters, their fight turned into a fight cloud. After the fight ends the fight cloud replaid again but in slow motion. They were not doing karate but spitting, slapping and jostling. Anyone remembers?
I try every several years to search for this and never succeed.
I watched an animated movie on TV, probably around 1975 (?) I am pretty sure it was shown in the evening and was a longer feature. I don’t know if it was new or old at the time but I think I recall the machine being a reddish color, so I don’t think it was black & white. I think the characters may have been animal type characters. The plot had something to do with the ‘people’ being turned evil by a large machine, where they were lined up, entered it and came out looking different, with heavy black around their eyes.
I have never found anyone who remembers anything like this, and I know it’s not a lot to go on. But hoping a shot in the dark finds some info.
I’ve been trying to remember for years… help, I remember a show from early 70’s , I saw at school on a projector. It was, I believe two monsters a red and a blue, and I remember it being sad. I remember them walking down a dirt road to the monster House. I believe something sad happened to the blue monster. ( I think they were monsters).
Driving me nuts for years: not sure if this was a woody woodpecker or not: there are guys from various countries climbing a mountain one at a time (maybe to get an eagle egg or something similar) and eventually they fall for various reasons- I just remember the Italian guy yelling out “pasta fagioli!!!” As he falls and we always got a kick out of that. Someone help!
Maybe Fowled Up Falcon from 1960?
I will try here because google isn’t helping.
Had it in the 90s, It was on a VHS, it was the story of the frog prince. A lot of white space, had a watercolor vibe. I remember there was a princess and a golden ball, like the original story. The frog and she decide to be together and he swims with her to the bottom of the lake where he lives in an old car underwater. She can’t breathe so he takes her back up and turns her into a frog, its not instant, she gets bigger and malformed and frog-looking until she is a frog. I live in the US. I cannot remember any more details other than its not anything I have found on google. The most striking thing was so much white space. Very simplistic animation. Its the only movie mystery I have left. Maybe one day someone will know!
I’m trying to recall a cartoon from my childhood with this scene. There is a Fox, and a Stag. I think the stag stumbles into the fox’s path and the begs the fox not to eat him. The fox says something like he’ll spare the Stag and take his two fawns instead. That’s all I remember. Sound familiar at all? I fell it may have been from David the Gnome but I can’t find anything online.
I am trying to figure out the name of a fairly recent cartoon my kids watched when they were younger. All I remember is that there was a castle and a giant and a grumpy guy trying to keep everyone out of his castle. It has a lot of music in it, and at the end of the “main” song, the grumpy guy says, “And no giants!”
This is KILLING ME. Okay so as a kid I used to watch this VHS anthology of fable like tales. I believe it was a silent film as I only remember whistling and mumbling from the characters but never any real dialogue. It was sepia I think. What I remember is a dog and an old man are freezing cold in an abandoned cabin and the only food they find is a single bean in a tin can. They fight over the bean and in the end maybe end up splitting it? It sounds a lot like Fun and Fancy Free but it wasn’t Disney. The anthology also had an image of a cow whistling on a hill. Can anyone help me??
Have you found it yet. Ive been trying to find that exact same cartoon for the past 10 years. Im 20 and remember i used to watch it all the time on VHS
I searched it up on chat gpt and its saying it likely is a vid called “the last meal” from the “Aesop’s Fables” series by Van Beuren. I searched it up but nothing comes up. I think that might be because it is so old. So annoying
I’ve been searching for this movie for over 10 years. My sister and I recall the same information from this movie, nothing more nothing less. This little boy is eating bread with his family, then he walks through his snowy village (pretty sure it wasn’t a Christmas movie) and stops by at a local shoeshine shop and greets the adults there. He continues his journey with his what we believe is a donkey. They travel up this snowy mountain and discover a castle/dungeon. The little boy then starts to peak into the castle and overheard plans. I’m not sure if it’s in Spanish or English. Please help us!
I forgot to mention, I’m pretty sure it was VHS, and it seems to be dated around 30s-40s
Hoping someone can help with this, because it’s been driving me crazy for years. I remember watching a cartoon as a child, probably on VHS. There were two characters (and I don’t remember who they were) who were on a date night of sorts. They go somewhere with a big assembly line style contraption and end up getting a suitcase that unfolds and transform into a car. I know it’s not a lot to go on but that’s all I’ve got!
I’ve been looking for this one forever. I think it was on a Raggedy Ann and Andy VHS that my grandma had but I can’t be sure. No amount of googling is coming up with anything helpful though.
I’ve been looking for this too! I found it today it’s called “All’s Fair at the Fair.”
I’ve been looking for this too! I found it today it’s called “All’s Fair at the Fair.”
Cody, you’re amazing! Me and my sister have been searching for this for years! Thank you so much!
do happen to know a show or anime with magical instruments and a female hero and think it’s based in space or on a planet
Does anyone remember an animated film where the main character wakes up from hibernating for a very long time for a mission by a powerful AI to destroy that AI because it predicted it would have gone insane? I remember it as atmospheric, almost like Spartacus and the Sun Beneath The Sea, it might have been a short film in an anthology or something.
I’m guessing it’s the French animated film Gandahar from 1987, adapted into the US as Light Years.
Yes, that is it, thank you.
Here’s a *really* obscure one I saw on TV several decades ago.
It combined live action and animation.
It had a *very* strong “early ‘70s” feel about it.
The story took place deep in a forest, and focused on a young boy and big “mountain man”-type guy (the kid’s father?). Both wandered around the forest, trying to find each other or some separate thing. This was all live action.
But also in the forest were some fantastical creatures who were animated. The one I remember most clearly was an enormous mountain giant, who could stride over several mountains in one step.
Characters would occasionally break into song; I distinctly remember one song in which everyone sang in celebration of a rainstorm that broke out over the forest.
The whole production had a very independent, almost “local state media” feel to it. The budget was clearly very low, the music was poor, and the story meandered. I could easily imagine the movie being shown to an elementary school class of that time on a 16mm movie projector.
I am looking for two cartoon movies.
1) The farmer kicks a rooster,which in turn kickstarts a domino effect by waking up the next animal and so forth
day after day faster and faster. Ends up with the rooster kicking the farmer in bed to wake him up.
2 )My friend looks for a movie about a villain inside water bucket carried by a dog or a wolf. He watched it around 2013-2015 maybe? He doesn’t have much memory of it but he watched it on an Arabic kids channel (so it was dubbed). All he can remembers from this cartoon movie is that this movie is set in the world of animals. The humans of that world are some type of bear or koala or maybe pandas? They can speak like humans can etc but they don’t understand the speech of other animals (bc they’re supposed to be animals). The elder from their community is missing or maybe dead, the bears dont know where he is. There is a painting of him too. The main villain of this story is a witch who put a curse on the other animals so their speech is incomprehensible and she also put a curse on the elder so that he is stuck inside a painting. The witch doesnt have a body (she lost it bc of a curse?) but she is actually the form of water and is carried around in a water bucket by a dog. She resides in an abandoned cave. the bears set out on a journey to find the witch and defeat her. In the end the curse is broken and the people inside the painting are free and the other animals can now talk. I also remember that the dog abandons the witch in the end and he kicks over the bucket by which the water spills. He remembered something else from this movie. The creatures broke the curse by placing their hands (or their paws) on handmarks.
I am looking for one I saw mid-to-late 70s. It was the story of a family, mostly father and daughter. She is born, is a toddler, we see her putting a crown on his head. Then as she grows up they argue, we’re shown her defiantly putting on makeup. Then Dad is sitting on his throne wearing his crown, but he’s old, maybe drunk? No talking, all animation and music.
I’ve been trying for some time now. There was a cartoon when I was a kid I’m 56 now of a duck and all he did was sing Happy Birthday very annoyingly. I’m pretty sure it was a looney toons, maybe a daffy duck, but to this day whenever anybody sings Happy Birthday I always remember that duck!
Okay, I’ve got one for you. As I remember, it was a game show setting… the contestant answered it wrong, and the host opens a trap door. The contestant falls through a series of pipes and ends up in, like, a leech field outside. NO idea who made it.
so, does anyone know the name of this one animated movie, where a girl moves to some fancy small house and stays on a schedule or something and her neighbor is some dude with a telescope and then she is somehow sent to space and goes to different planets with different themes with a doll of some sort and then some guy stole all the stars and put them in a jar, and then the girl broke the jar by jumping on it and then the movie ended? I truly want to see this movie again
Your description sounds a bit like HEAVY METAL (1981). You might actually be mashing up two films in your memory.
What was the cartoon where there were these miniature construction workers with their tool boxes and hard hats on, and they could fix things wrong in the body? It must have been in the late 60’s- early ish 70’s??? Thank you!!!
Once Upon a Time… Life (French: Il était une fois… La vie)?
I’ve been looking for this cartoon for ages! I remember two ants, one of them was fat and would constantly cry pleading for “fooooooood” or something along those lines (I watched the cartoon in Spanish-> comiiiiiiiiiiida!). The other ant was always trying to comfort the chubby one. Thanks everyone!
Saw this black and white in the theater between feature films had to be in thr early to mid 1960s. Cowboy and his horse, similarly drawing to Quick Draw McGraw. Ali I recall of the dialog is the Cowboy says to someone over and over that his horse wears mascara. I recall laughing every time he says it.
Just to add to my previously question today, The b&w 60 Cartoon of the Cowboy and his horse. One or the other said they wore mascara. I think it was or did win an Award for best Animated short. Thank you.
I remember a very simply drawn cartoon of a girl playing a violin saying that she had virtue and was pretty on the violin. I can’t find it anywhere. It was from the 60s.
Anyone knows about an old cartoon where a pig thinks he’s going to be eaten but in fact they are preparing
his birthday party.
Thanks !
Trying to find a cartoon (my brain remembers it being Looney Tunes and likely Bugs Bunny) outro episode where after “That’s all folks!” character pulls drain plug and the outro swirls down the center to black, anybody?
hi there, I am looking for a cartoon I see as kid many years ago but I forgot the name of it, it was about a hero or just man that finds 3 arrows 1 for good one for bad or envoy and one is neutral.i think he finds it in heavy snow storm.
thank you.
The was a cartoon, I want to say Merrie Melodies, that had a mouse who was begging the cat to chase him. It was the opposite of the characters in The Cat’s Tale (1941), maybe even the same characters. Any thoughts?
Perhaps Chuck Jones 1951 CHEESE CHASERS? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheese_Chasers
No, not “Cheese Chasers” (but another classic!). This one was a lot like “The Cat’s Tale” but in reverse. I don’t remember if it was out of boredom or necessity but the mouse kept saying “you’re supposed to chase me!” It seems like it was a Merrie Melodies production, but I can check other studios as well.
looking for a cartoon where the character says “hockatooie hockatooie” in a higher pitched voice. it’s not a spitting sound, its the characters voice and that’s the only word they can say also, it’s always said atleast twice.
Release date: 1990 – 2017.
An airplane flying over a poor village drops a bunch of goods (booze?) and every villager rushes to get it.
The protagonist is a boy who can’t catch any of it. But he is helped by an anthropomorphic cat who has a magic wand.
This cat also can spin its tail, causing it fly and they fly with the boy so high that the cat’s tail freezes and they plummet down.
They land behind the revered statue of a woman with no hands.
It turns out that that the statue’s hands are hidden behind it but they accidentally break them off and get chased by the locals.
Later they end up in the oversized house of a cannibal.
A recurring gag is that the cat can’t use the magic wand properly.
It’s not Go Fly a Kit (Short 1957).
Original question:
What is the name of the cartoon where the main character is a little girl who moves out to a new home with her parents and meets a rude house witch like Gnom who sleeps near the fireplace and disappears?(it’s not an anime)
what is the name of a kids cartoon that would’ve been popular around the 2000-2010s. it was about three young fairy girls and in one specific scene a bunch of people turned into bunnies and they could recognize the one girls dad because of his glasses. it’s not winx saga or pop pixie, i already checked.
Did you ever see the cartoon Lambert? It’s about a lad sheep who didn’t get a lamb from the stork like the rest of the lady sheep in her flock. Being rather upset she basically stole the storks last bundle of joy thinking it was a lamb but instead it was a baby lion. I haven’t seen this cartoon in at least 20 years and I can still sing the song from it.
It’s here: https://archive.org/details/lambert-the-sheepish-lion-1952-restored
Does anyone remember a cartoon scene with animals that were either pigs or bunnies and a baby was brought home and they were trying to name the baby and then the baby himself looks up and says the name is George mum
My brother is trying to find a cartoon where there was an elephant, maybe wearing a pith helmet, and people said in the cartoon something about “Stupid elephant! You’re going to get us all killed!”. I’ve watched many a cartoon in my time (age 59) and I don’t remember that one. I did find the Twirliger Twins violin recital one, so that was a win) The elephant one is not Bobo the Hobo, any help appreciated!
Please help me find it. I used to watch a cartoon (in the 80s? 90s) where a man/dog character thing would laugh hysterically and another one always grumpy would do something silly, which would in turn make the other one laugh even more. This laughing character would change colour and eventually look like a rainbow.
Thank you
I’m trying to remember a cartoon where two men were walking and ran into each other. Both stubbornly refused to move while the world revolved around them
“The Zax” from the Dr. Seuss on the Loose TV special. This one may have been answered already.
What is the scene where a man is at the office. He wears glasses. Suddenly, water comes in through the window and takes him. While being dragged and drowned, the man moves his arms and shouts like this: weeeeeeee. I think it’s a cartoon from the 90s at Cartoon Network. Thanks in advance!
So I remember this cartoon it was black and white and it’s about a boy with a pie and I believe he’s bringing it to his grandma and this crow tries to steal his pie I would watch those dvds where it would be like vol 23 of cartoons and it was on one of those
Please help me find this. I am pretty sure it was from 150 cartoon classics or 200 cartoon classics. There’s a character (I want to say a mouse or something like that) that gets drunk and sees dancing skeletons or ghosts? it’s a black and white cartoon I think. My memory may be a little weak since I was 6 watching this lol but if anyone can help me find it, I’d appreciate it!
There was a cartoon episode where these little animals were using a cannon to crush nuts. I can’t remember anything more specific though…
there was this kids show i use to watched around 2017 where it was this town of animals that’s goal was to find their for ever child and their was this huge fountain in center of town that would show their next for ever child and they would be sent too the human world afterwards and all were technically name less until that day of selection but one episode a human girl fell threw and ended up in this world instead all town people were either cats or dogs and they had a paw print on their shoulder and i think the intro had them jumping threw the fountain into their for ever child’s arms and also when their forever child was shown in the waters of the fountain a collar would appear around the cat or dogs neck
i would love to know the name if anyone has an idea of what show i’m talking about
I’m out of my mind trying to find a 70s character. I thought she may have been fro Pebbles and Bam Bam – or even The Jetsons… pretty sure it was Hanna Barberra anyway.
Character description ( the way I remember): young female (like teenagerish), she was blue ( from outer space maybe ?), and would float up when she would get nervous. Her friends would catch her from floating away.
Does anyone remember her???
Marion from the Patriage Family 2200 AD?
ooook hello everyone I’m looking for a short cartoon movie (idk) lol it about these little guys that go through a makeover conveyer belt machine that gets them glammed for something I don’t remember super well. I had the vhs 20 years ago could be mgm or warner bros I’ve looked everywhere and came across yall and from I keep reading everyone here knows what they are talking about.
I think the cartoon you are remembering is ALL’S FAIR AT THE FAIR (1938) a Paramount cartoon, a Max Fleischer Color Classic.
Here’s a link to it:
I saw an old cartoon when I was a kid that could have been a short from any of the popular animation studios from the 30s through the 50s. All I remember was
a snake chasing another character and the snake getting caught in a hole in a fence after it accidentally swallowed a golf ball. A female snake that was interested in the main snake also got caught in the fence at the end. any ideas?
i don’t have much I’m sorry but I can’t find the name of an old cartoon that starts out in black and white and then it starts to rain color and everything turns to color. the characters are little gnomes or some kind of tiny workers.
Does anyone remember a cartoon I saw in the early 50s. It was in black and white, no dialogue, just music. The story concerned a little fox and a duckling. Despite his trickery, the fox was unable to capture the duck for dinner. Finally the duck flew down into a well, and of course was able to float on the water. But the fox jumped into the well, and of course drowned. As the bubbles of air from the fox’s last breath stopped, the duck realized that in fact the fox had been its friend. Very sad ending. Does anyone else remember anything like this, or know the name of the cartoon? Thanks, Jim
Does anyone know the name of the Merrie Melodies or Looney Tunes, short where there was a Fox trying to woo a Hen (I think it was a hen) ….and she is in a top floor dwelling , When the fox jumps up to her window…Possibly with springs on his paws…..and with each bounce up he says “Run away with me” (or something to the effect)..and i will give you diamonds and pearls….another bounce is fur coats…Then he bounces up with a car on his back a third time… and says with continuance….”Expensive cars (drops back down out of view and a split second bounces back up, In mid air possibly and says “And heavy too!” I thought that was hilarious, seen it only once as a child. Never caught the name of the short…I just happened to think of it today for whatever reason.
Easy Peckin’s (1953)
Looking for name of cartoon to trace it to view again: It’s black ‘n white, 40’s? 50’s? Squirrels break into a cabin, get a hold of shotguns and go crazy shooting it up. Thanks!
Looking for a cartoon with a scene where a hilbilly family sang Happy Birthday, but it wasn’t the traditional song. it had a yohooooo! a the end. something like “Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to yohooooooo”
I’ve been trying to identify one for years that opened with a little kid riding in front of a covered wagon saying “We is po’!” Some people assumed from the dialect that the kid was black, but he was white. I think he was bald like a baby, too.I saw it in a cartoon package on TV in the 1980s, but I’m assuming it was from the thirties. It was in color.