Animation History
May 28, 2018 posted by Jerry Beck

Warner Club News (1957) – Part 2

July 1957

Very interesting information here on sound reader Eric George, who apparently had a thriving career in pre-war Germany. And speaking of Germans, there is also an intriguing story about Hans (George) Helm that you should read… Makes you wonder if these guys ever saw Russian Rhapsody or Herr Meets Hare – and what they thought of those?

August 1957

Chuck Burton… or young Tom Hanks?

Septembery 1957

October 1957

No – that isn’t a record breaking “Shark-nosed Tralfaz” or Treg Brown, but perhaps this photo of Marvin Moss inspired the gag in 1962’s Fish and Slips. Mention is made here of all the commercials being produced through the studio. Let’s see if we can find that Blatz Beer commercial! Also – Tom O’Laughlin and Jerry Eisenberg join the staff!

November 1957

December 1957

Phil DeGuard has a grandchild; and John Burton attends a Sam Warner party with Gene Kelly and the late Clint Walker.

NEXT WEEK: 1958 – part 1


  • Something the Warners Club News didn’t reveal is departures. Warren Foster left in mid-November 1957 to work for John Sutherland Productions.

  • In relation to the ad in the December column, did the studio ever considered to do a cartoon in Cinemascope or did they think it wasn’t worth the cost or effort?

    • The ad was for Pacific Title – formerly owned by their old boss Leon Schlesinger.
      It would have been cool if Warners did a ‘Scope cartoon – Disney, MGm, even Terrytoons had them.

  • So many of these entries make me wish I could read the clippings as images…and I, too, wish that Warner Brothers bothered with cinemascope, even if WB wasn’t the kind of studio that spent money on animation spectacle.

  • I thought both Warren Foster, and Mike Maltese left in the late 50’s for Hanna Barbera

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