Animation History
April 9, 2018 posted by Jerry Beck

Warner Club News 1954 – Part 1

January 1954

1954 begins – and producer Eddie Selzer welcomes back to the staff to resume full production. The Christmas party on Dec. 20th (1953) at Selzer’s home is just around the corner – and you will see pictures from that event in the next issue (scroll down)… “Fritz” Freleng, Warren Foster and Chuck Jones went to New York (via train) to talk “big deals” (I wonder if these “big deals” concerned the Freleng Sloan Foundation cartoons, and the Jones’ Military recruitment films?)…

February 1954

The studio gets a crate of Bugs Bunny carrots (a “by-product” – that’s what they used to call ‘merchandising’ back then), Selzer gives a bunch to Mel Blanc (who was allergic to them). Highlights from the party – Selzer and Mel Blanc perform a skit spoofing Mel’s voice audition… and a ton of photos!

Here’s the photos close up. Who can you identify?

BELOW: I can spot Warren Foster and Mel Blanc…

BELOW: I see Steve Millman… and that looks like Selzer and Blanc doing their skit.

March 1954

Satan’s Waitin’ is apparently previewed (it won’t be released publicly till August); Linda Jones has appendicitis; the studio celebrates its status as the public’s number one short subjects series producer.

April 1954

Much about the average daily doings of the staff, at the office and at home. Chuck Jones has a harrowing plane flight, Carl Stalling survives a storm; and Ben Washam tries to flirt.

NEXT WEEK: 1954 – part 2

Thanks to Ned Comstock at USC for providing these columns from Warner Club News

1 Comment

  • That sketch of Carl Stalling in the April issue looks like one of the Gremlins from the Kremlin. Time to dig out GC vol. 6 and listen to Mark Kausler’s commentary to see if I’m right.

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