Animation History
March 30, 2017 posted by

The Ray Abrams Archives – Part 2: Envelope Art

As Steve Stanchfield is deep into a film-transfer project this week, I thought I’d fill-in today by continuing our look through the treasure trove of mementos from veteran animator Ray Abrams (Lantz, MGM, Avery, H-B) – courtesy of his son William Abrams. Today: Envelope art! Enjoy!

Here are more of the envelopes addressed to my mom. My dad used to make fun of where my mom lived. “Weiser…sounds like a disease” he used to say.










NEXT MONDAY: More from the Ray Abrams stash!

NEXT THURSDAY: A special Thunderbean post from Steve Stanchfield!


  • Wow, those are simply gorgeous.

  • Super! Thanks Jerry.

  • It’s interesting how only 2 of those envelopes bear the same postmark location. I wonder if there are also multiple different return addresses on the reverse of these to indicate where Ray was living at the time.

  • These are incredible. You can sense the wonderful cartoony energy that defines the Oswalds of this period from these poses alone.

  • The bird envelope wasn’t sent via air mail?! C’mon, Ray!

    • He did – that five-cent winged globe is an air mail stamp. Ordinary letter-rate postage was two cents.

    • He did – that five-cent winged globe is an air mail stamp. Ordinary letter-rate postage was two cents.

      Wouldn’t surprise me if that was a service offered at the time and people could live with the luxury if they so pleased!

  • What wonderful decorated envelopes! These look like animation extremes that Ray Abrams fitted on to the envelope space. Just wonderful stuff, thanks Mr. Beck!

  • Those are simply beautiful! They’ve got that great feel to them.

  • Thanks again, Jerry and William… and Ray!

    Jerry, how many of these did you try to post? I’m seeing 8 of them, and then seeing a little box labeled “envelope 6” near the top of the page. I also thought I saw an “envelope 10” box at one point when the page was loading up. Just wanted to see if we were seeing all of them or not.

    Thanks again!

    • There’s problems this week at my web server… photos are loading slowing. Hopefully this will be cleared up by Monday.

      There are nine (9) envelopes in this post – hopefully you can see them all.

  • Thank you for sharing, Bill! I enjoyed this so much, I’m sharing this with my family. What a fun archive.

  • As someone who lives in Weiser, all 5,000 of us agree we sound like a disease

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