Earning His Stripes: The 25th Anniversary of “The Tigger Movie”
There is much about The Tigger Movie that connects to Walt Disney and his rich legacy.
There is much about The Tigger Movie that connects to Walt Disney and his rich legacy.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary, this compilation brought Disney’s incredible animation renaissance period to an impressive crescendo.
A celebration of Disney’s 1989 hit that kicked off their unprecedented Renaissance era of animated films.
The film has gained a following in the over twenty years since its release among Disney, animation, and science fiction fans.
Thirty years later, this film continues to resonate with audiences.
When released in 1961, it was a “first” in so many ways.
Many consider this to be the film that signaled the end of the decade-long animation renaissance at Disney.
From a movie production filled with drama came a film filled with laughs.
He created THIS guy, for one.
A centennial celebration cameoing codices cleverly – come see!