Needle Drop Cuban Rhythms For Boop and Flip
Cuban rhythms really didn’t filter their way down to North American popular music – the kind that most folks would buy – until 1930. It’s an entertaining, if roundabout, story.
Cuban rhythms really didn’t filter their way down to North American popular music – the kind that most folks would buy – until 1930. It’s an entertaining, if roundabout, story.
I went out to the UCLA archives to evaluate the materials on the Iwerks ‘Comi-Color’ series of cartoons. Happily, the series exists in 35mm with all original titles intact on every film.
In the early sound era it was apparently easier to use, on occasion, “Needle Drop” music from commercial records to score a cartoon. Here’s a list of several I’ve identified.
I’ve completed the inspection of the Flip materials here, and they’re overall just beautiful. The MGM fine grains are things of beauty.
Ub Iwerks renamed his company Cartoon Films, Ltd. in 1936 after the split with Pat Powers. Here are a few animated theatrical commercials from the studio dating from 1939 and 1940.
This week this space is devoted to an update and showing still frames on two projects in progress: Ub Iwerk’s Flip the Frog and Van Beuren Studio’s Cubby Bear.
While I know it’s not ‘quite’ Halloween yet, it does give me a good excuse to at least start putting up Halloween cartoon posts… and maybe I’ll do this all through the month.
With the popularity of Mickey Mouse, animation studios began to produce their own cartoons with characters that looked suspiciously like Walt’s alter ego. Here’s the low-down on that.
I’m happy to announce that the long awaited Blu-ray/DVD combo,”Ub Iwerks’ Willie Whopper” is finished and shipping this week! Here are the details.
I wanted to talk a little bit about the color Whoppers and a few more of the Willies this week, plus offer the ‘Pre-order’ for the set… but first, a…