Tag Archives: Jay Ward

Eating at Bullwinkles
November 1, 2021 posted by Jim Korkis

Eating at Bullwinkles

Not much has been written about Bullwinkle’s Family Food ‘N’ Fun restaurants except for some anecdotal memories so I am going to try to share what little I know about them.

The Origin of Cap’n Crunch
December 4, 2020 posted by Jim Korkis

The Origin of Cap’n Crunch

Cap’n Crunch first appeared on a cereal box in September 1963 and went on to become one of the most beloved and long-running cereal spokesmen. Here’s his story.

Animation Anecdotes #386
October 26, 2018 posted by Jim Korkis

Animation Anecdotes #386

“I remember when he couldn’t sell his later pilots – the hilarious Fang, the Wonder Dog, Hawkear, and The Stupor Bowl – he said, ‘CBS dislikes us; NBC hates us and ABC detests us!’