April 18, 2013 posted by

Schlesinger’s Exposure Sheet 1.4

warner39_logoOnce again, another look behind the scenes at Termite Terrace through the pages of their zany in-house newsletter, The Exposure Sheet. This is the fourth in our series; the fourth issue of the 1939 volume.

The best thing about these newsletters is that we get to learn more of the names behind our favorite cartoons, beyond those who earned screen credit.

Historical highlights in this issue include:

• A report on the Chuck Jones unit’s trip to Arizona on behalf of research for The “Canyon Kiddies” short, The Mighty Hunters (embed below, for reference)

• a mini-bio of Chuck Jones, and inker Geraldine Brimhall, painter Dorothy Worth and cameraman Hank “Smokey” Garner.

• A mock story conference – of which I wouldn’t be surprised is close to the real thing!

Click thumbnails below to enlarge and read. Enjoy!

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1 Comment

  • I love Schlesinger’s role in the story conference. Ah, if it were only that way today with management.

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