Bob Hope and Animation
May 10, 2019 posted by Jim Korkis

Bob Hope and Animation

Bob Hope has been caricatured several times in animation, most notably in cartoons distributed by Paramount where Hope did several live-action comedies. Here’s a checklist.

Animation Trails: Unhealthy Appetites
Animation Trails
May 8, 2019 posted by Charles Gardner

Animation Trails: Unhealthy Appetites

A look at the concept of an otherwise “good guy” character developing cannibalistic traits. There was usually, though not always, a common motive – downright hunger.

If Walt Had But Known…
May 7, 2019 posted by James Parten

If Walt Had But Known…

Among the German propaganda broadcast recordings of World War 2 are four Disney songs, derived from various cartoons. If Walt but have known…

Animation Trails: Magnetic Personalities
Animation Trails
May 1, 2019 posted by Charles Gardner

Animation Trails: Magnetic Personalities

Ever get the feeling of deja-vu while you’re watching a cartoon you’ve never seen before? This is the first of a series of articles intended to document the development of similar ideas from studio to studio.

More Mickey Mouse Melodies
April 30, 2019 posted by James Parten

More Mickey Mouse Melodies

In 1956, the newly formed ABC-Paramount Records earliest releases were drawn from the “Official Mickey Mouse Club” recordings.