Results for "Tex Avery"

Where There’s Smoke (Part 8)
Animation Trails
September 7, 2022 posted by Charles Gardner

Where There’s Smoke (Part 8)

An additional silent classic will receive its proper place today, along with the usual array of 1940’s stars getting their chance to feel the burn.

Toon Titans
July 29, 2022 posted by Jim Korkis

Toon Titans

How did the DC comics series Teen Titans become their “Toon” Titans? Here’s the story.

Where There’s Smoke (Part 1)
Animation Trails
July 20, 2022 posted by Charles Gardner

Where There’s Smoke (Part 1)

It’s supposed to be prohibited speech to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater. So we’ll stay within the law, opening this new series by yelling “Theater!” at a crowded fire.

July 15, 2022 posted by Jerry Beck

The Animation History Bibliography 41

Documentaries 1919 How Animated Cartoons are Made – Produced by Bray Studios and starring animation pioneer Wallace Carlson. 1937 A Trip Through the Walt Disney Studios – Produced as an…