Coar-Toon Rehash
August 22, 2023 posted by Bob Coar

Look What I Got!

Lot going on lately. Just wanted to share some artwork that came my way. I now own four Dante Barbetta pages:

And here are four self-caricatures from Phil Kimmelman, done when he was starting out at Famous, We’re prepping them for his upcoming book.

And finally… I’m pleased to announce the Society for Animation Studies set up an animation scholarship in Howard Beckerman’s name. A deserved honor for a good guy.

This has been a…


  • Those are some real treasures, Bob. Take good care of them.

  • This is cool but does it need a whole article?

    • Who can tell?

    • I’ll gladly take it.

      • Me too! It’s short and sweet ☺️

  • When you have something that brings you joy very often you just want to share it with others !! Thanks for. this article and for sharing the drawings.

  • If you suspect your heirs will leave them in a drawer one day (the unfortunate fate of much great classic animation artwork), please will them to a museum.

    From his drawings, Phil Kimmelman could have given Famous cartoons a much-needed kick if allowed to.

    • This whole issue of heirs and dumpsters is very much on my mind lately. I’m aware of several boxes of stuff in closets, but unable to coordinate digitalization. Disability prevents me from traveling, Any ideas?

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