May 29, 2013 posted by Jerry Beck

Fleischer’s Animated News #6

Calling all Fleischer fans! This sixth issue (May 1935) of Fleischer’s Animated News is loaded with information.

“Tintypes” (personnel biographies) in this issue are for General Manager Sam Buchwald and his assistant Mary Jones. Don Figlozzi begins a new “previews” feature, where he lists who worked on the films (usually two per issue). This issue he previews the Color Classic Kids In The Shoe and the Betty Boop carton No! No! A Thousand Times No! (under its original title, Love and Riches). Both are embed below for your enjoyment. The 3-page gossip column (“Down The Studio Lane”) is filled with personal insight into Izzy Sparber, Otto Feuer, Jack Ozark, Jim Miele and others…

Even the humor this time is particularly good: Bill Turner on “How Stories are Written”; Willard Bowsky and Anderson Craig explain Animation Terms like “Cel” (A Room In A Jail) and “Animation Board” (A Person Tired of Living); and there are cartoons by Rube Grossman, Dave Tendlar and John Stanley (among others).

Click the thumbnails below to enlarge each page. Dig in and enjoy!

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  • The “Mama Don’t Allow” number from “The Kids in the Shoe” is one of my favorite scenes in all of ’30s animation! I would love to see a good restoration of that cartoon…

    • I would too. Those colors need to be enjoyed as much as the animation itself.

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