Due to popular demand, I’ll begin posting issues of Fleischer’s Animated News on a somewhat regular basis (weekly – but don’t hold me to it). This was the in-house employee newsletter compiled and printed from from December 1934 through April 1937. I have 23 issues, and am apparently missing six.
The six I’m missing are:
Vol. 1, No. 4 March 1935
Vol. 1, No. 9 September 1935
Vol. 2, No. 3 February 1936
Vol. 2, No. 9 August 1936
Vol. 3, No. 3 February 1937
Vol. 3, No. 5 March 1937
And any issue beyond April 1937 (if there was any beyond that). If you have any of these, please contact me.
This first issue (December 1934) starts off with some great features:
• “Tintypes” devoted to Max and Dave Fleischer – filled with oddball tidbits.
• Studio News: which includes boasting about winning the Helen Kane case and suing a merchandiser for knock-off Boop dolls.
• Mention of the debut of the Betty Boop (and Koko) comic strip in the New York Evening Journal and a radio broadcast to commemorate the event
• “Things You May Not Know About The Fleischer Studios”
• And on the gossip page: Izzy Sparber does the hula… and much, much, more.
Click thumbnails below to enlarge each page. Enjoy!
Great! I’ve got a bunch myself and am eager to read those in your collection!
Oh great, now this site is going to be addictive again. I used to check the older Cartoon Research (pre-Brew) page every day. So now you’re going to start printing more Fleischer stuff? Just shoot the ink right in my veins.
Is all she’ll ever say. 😛
Absolutely EXCELLENT!! – Thanks so much…….. I had been looking to find if anyone had copies of these – – I can’t wait to see the others – – Thanks so much!
The newsletter sounds charming. “If you play any instrument besides the phonograph…” LOL!
Very educational! I learned things I did not know about Fleischer Studios!
Good grief, I’m never going to get anything done again, ever, am I? 😉