This is gonna be good – From April 6th until April 20th the Van Eaton Galleries will be exhibiting a group art show celebrating the legacy of Hanna-Barbera. Over 90 contemporary animators, cartoonists and fine artists paint tributes to the old studio. In addition, the gallery is setting up a display of Dave Nimitz’s massive HB toy collection and original production art.
Mike Van Eaton has also invited as many of the remaining studio veterans (including Willie Ito, Jerry Eisenberg, Tony Benedict, Bob Singer and Iraj Paran) to the reception – and some of those guys are actually submitting art to the exhibit. It’s going to be mind-blowing. Participating artists include:
Aidan Casserly
Alex Conway
Alina Chau
Allison Krumwiede
Andrew Wilson
Art Fuentes
Ashley J. Long
Ayami Kawashima
Becca Balistreri
Ben Von Strawn
Bill Morrison
Bob Lizarraga
Bobby Rojas
Bob Singer
Bruce Gossett
Bruce Lau
Buzz Parker
Carl Lozada
Carol Powell
Casey Wong
Chad Scheres
Cherry Rae Thompson
Chogrin Muñoz
Chris Mason
Christine Marie Nockels
The Chung!!
Damian Fulton
Dan Haskett
Danni Shinya Luo
Dan Szczepanski
Dave K
Dave Nimitz
Dave Pressler
David Bird
Dee Shiller
Drake Brodahl
Edwin Aguilar
Enrique Pita
Eric Pigors
Franz Keller
Garry Black
Gary Clair
Gerald Mendez
Gris Grimly
Gulzar Junaid
Harry Sabin
Iraj Paran
Irene Mendonis
James T. Walker
Jason Peltz
Javier Soto
Jeffrey Rebner
Jennifer Wilkins
Jerry Eisenberg
Joe Rubinstein
Juan Thorp
Julian Chaney
Kali Fontecchio
Kaya Dzankich
Ken “KEMO” Morgan
Kevin Graham
Lance Smith
Lee Petty
Lisa Penz
Maddy Zusmer O’Neill
Mark Bodnar
Mark Christiansen
Mark Hamer
Mark Hammermeister
Martin Hsu
Matthew Dutton
Melissa Bentley
Mick Cassidy
Miles Thompson
Mitch O’Connell
Mojo Foster
Nico Colaleo
Nicole Aguilar-Copp
Ovi Nedelcu
Patrick Owsley
Patrick Romandy-Simmons
Phillip Graffham
The Pizz
Psycho James
Randy Martinez
Rask Opticon
Rick Goldschmidt
Scott Shaw!
Shane Prigmore
Shaunna Peterson
Shelli Weldon
Snow Mack
Sotero Manny Elias
Spike Brandt
Stephen Chiodo
Stephen Sandoval
Tara Billinger
Thom Foolery
Tom Margarites
Tony Benedict
Van Partible
Vince Musacchia
William Wray
Willie Ito
Zach Bellissimo
and more!
Curated by Phillip Graffham, the opening Reception is Saturday night, April 6th, from 6pm to 10pm. Scooby Snacks (and real refreshments) will be served. Van Eaton Galleries is located on Ventura Blvd, 1/2 block East of Woodman Ave. 13613 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks. No RSVP required, just show up. I’ll be there!

Here’s a few samples from the exhibit. Click thumbnails below to enlarge: “Touché Away!” by Carol Powell mixed medium on fabric (fabric, ribbon, paint and found objects); “Fred Flintstone” by Gris Grimly (poster) watercolor on paper; “Daphne and the Phantom Shadows” by Lisa Penz mixed medium on canvas.
This is a great post! Thank you for this info.
I am thrilled that Van Eaton has put together an event to celebrate Hanna-Barbera and all of the wonderful creations that flowed from their studio. I am a long time collector and one time dreamer of becoming an employee of the studio when it ran on Cahuenga Boulevard in Hollywood. I now pay homage to HB through the largest online collection of Hanna-Barbera images in a group I created and run called The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera on flickr I look forward to this event, and I will certainly be there to enjoy the art and visit with the artists.
This is nice. Please post a reminder when it gets near.
nice Adam and eve drawing with Penelope Pitstop