Animation History
November 12, 2018 posted by Jerry Beck

The Exposure Sheet #19 & #20

Issue #19 of The Exposure Sheet is the final one of the year. Porky Pig was apparently part of a float (not a balloon) in the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade… I’d like to see a photo of that. I’d also love to see the photos from the Halloween party mention here – with Rudy Larriva as “Gunga Din” and Chuck McKimson as “Pancho Villa”.

Don’t miss Michael Maltese’s list of What New Yorkers Think of Hollywood – and What Hollywood Thinks of New York. The more things change, the more they stay the same! Bios include animator Vive Risto, inbetweener Murray Hudson, and painters Eleanor Minett and Mildred O’Blenis.

PORKY THE GIANT KILLER was released around the time of Exposure Sheet #19, on November 18th, 1939

Onto a new year, and a new numbering (Vol. 2 No. 1) for The Exposure Sheet in 1940. Inker/painters Billie Lee and Martha Goldman start a little pseudo gossip column; check out the poem devoted to Chuck Jones and his “Unit A”; more poetry by Lloyd Vaughn, Lew Irwin and others; and a reminisce by Vive Risto.


  • Who did the caricatures on page 4?

  • In vol.2 #1, where is page 7?

  • JOE – Oops! You are right. It’s missing!

    Here it is:

    Exposure Sheet page 7

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