Cartoons About Cartoons (Part 18)
A lot of familiar faces today, as Warner, Paramount, and Terrytoons all provide contributions continuing to exploit their toon existence for all they’re worth.
A lot of familiar faces today, as Warner, Paramount, and Terrytoons all provide contributions continuing to exploit their toon existence for all they’re worth.
Today, I “tank” we have another animator breakdown of a B&W Popeye cartoon to share!
…and Popeye, the public domain sailor man.
A feast of prime Grade A titles from MGM, Paramount, and Warner Brothers is on the table today.
All our action this week is centered upon four characters, all installments containing self-winks to the illustrated media.
1943 continued to abound in self-conscious cartoons, ever aware of their theatrical venue.
1942 is our subject year. Tex Avery’s influence on breaking the fourth wall overflows to other studios.
Some behind the scenes at Disney, a new franchise for Goofy, and the debut of Walter Lantz’s most durable personality.
All action today takes place in 1938, and all from two studios: Warner Bros and Paramount.
Part three in our series highlighting the medium and savvy characters with knowledge of their pen-and-paper world.