Who Was Ferdinand Horvath?
August 28, 2020 posted by Jim Korkis

Who Was Ferdinand Horvath?

Hundreds of thousands of artists worked in animation over the decades but very few of their names are known to the people who enjoyed their work.

Toons Trip Out (Part 5)
Animation Trails
August 26, 2020 posted by Charles Gardner

Toons Trip Out (Part 5)

1941 would of course be an eventful year for the United States, but through it all, toons still found time to get away from the pressures of the world.

Mad Madam Mim
August 21, 2020 posted by Jim Korkis

Mad Madam Mim

While Madam Mim is cited as the main villainess of Disney’s The Sword in The Stone, her character and short scene are completely irrelevant to the story.

Toons Trip Out (Part 4)
Animation Trails
August 19, 2020 posted by Charles Gardner

Toons Trip Out (Part 4)

Several old friends whom we’ve met in past journeys in this series get another crack at gallivanting around the globe.