April 11, 2013 posted by Jerry Beck

Fleischer’s Animated News #3


The third issue of Fleischer’s Animated News is great. Highlights include Bill Turner’s essay on the “old days” of animation, the silent era of Felix The Cat and the primitive methods of making a cartoon; A bio of Izzy Sparber; gag drawings by Dave Tendlar; a clever piece by Jack Mercer, tying in every staffer’s name into a humorous story; and Ted Vosk’s somewhat tongue-in-cheek gossip column includes such goodies as: “Lillian Friedman has a dog named “Popeye”, and that “Joe Oriolo spends his spare time trying to blow smioke rings”. Ahhh, the stuff you learn…

Stop reading me and dig in (click thumbnails below to enlarge):

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  • Hmm, where have I seen that Pudgy gag before?—


  • This issue carries the statement that a Mr. A.J. Wall of the New York Historical Society requested issues of Fleischer’s Animated News and the editor writes that that request has been honored. It is possible that the still-extant New York Historical Society might still have any missing copies of this publication, though it would likely take archival hardcopy digging.

  • God I hate Pudgy.

  • Reminds me of the “Pageturner” and “Tne Kitty Letters” that we had at Turner Animation when we were working on “Pagemaster” and “Cats Don’t Dance”…

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