Category Archives: Reviews

Saturday Book Reviews
February 13, 2016 posted by

Saturday Book Reviews

Another round-up new books of interest for dedicated cartoon historians, die-hard cartoon watchers – and just about anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis.

Reviews, Plugs and Appearances
September 2, 2015 posted by

Reviews, Plugs and Appearances

Time for another round-up of reviews for books and videos (strangely, most of them Disney-related this time around). But before we get into that I want to plug a couple of personal appearances I’ll be making this month – some local to Southern California, and a couple back east.

Way Way Overdue Reviews
July 18, 2015 posted by

Way Way Overdue Reviews

It’s been a while since I posted some reviews here on Cartoon Research – and thanks to our regular contributors, and my one-post-per-day policy, there haven’t been many opportunities for…

Three Books To Recommend
Animation History
March 28, 2015 posted by

Three Books To Recommend

I interrupt my website to actually write a post myself – and to take a moment to thank our regular contributors past and present for keeping this space lively, informative…

Long-Overdue New Book Round-Up
September 10, 2014 posted by

Long-Overdue New Book Round-Up

A few months have gone by and its time once again to weed through the books piling up from various publishers. These are the good ones. First up, an anthology…