Fitness vs. Fatness (Part 10): Low-Cal and Low-Brow
The animated cartoon, in its never-ending quest for thinner pencil lines, goes marching on.
The animated cartoon, in its never-ending quest for thinner pencil lines, goes marching on.
The Kennedy Administration began a massive public relations campaign promoting the virtues of exercise. All of this overlapped into the world of animation, as you will see.
The toons continued to be up to their old tricks as the ‘60’s rolled on – with many animated stars struggling to adhere to their routine diets.
Paramount cartoons continued to show an interest in portraying both fitness gurus and fatness freaks with equal fairness.
This week, something to satisfy your appetite, no matter what your diet.
Snap on those headbands, don your athletic shorts and best running shoes, and get set for some energetic roadwork down our latest animation trail.
World War II was coming to an end, and Americans considered themselves as living high off the hog – and no doubt many started to look like one in the process.
We continue our survey of animation’s war on weight – whether to put on the pounds or take them off.
This week’s fare will thus present the flip-side of the immortal question, “To eat or not to eat”.
Animation’s encounters with exercise is our new weekly workout routine.