Animation History
April 30, 2018 posted by Jerry Beck

Warner Club News (1955) – Part 2

PAPPY’S PUPPY released in 1955, animated solely by Gerry Chiniquy whom we find out below was a child actor.

JULY 1955

Among other things, Treg Brown takes photos of the new building under contruction on the lot just for the Cartoon Department. Also “LeRoy Holley” (aka the late Lee Holley) joins the staff as an inbetweener; Ben Washam gets married; and Chuck Jones tells us he quit smoking in 1950.


A very nice description of the color scheme planned for the forthcoming new studio building (with more photos of its construction) opening in September; Maurice Noble rejoins the staff; A fan letter from “M.F.” in New Jersey; and Treg Brown gets a crew cut.


The staff is now ensconced in their new studio building. Gerry Chiniquy was a child actor named Monte Clare? He was in Flirtation Walk, The Frisco Kid, The Merry Widow and Judge Priest – not to mention co-starring with Baby Peggy?


A huge house-warming party for the new studio was held on October 7th – and Treg Brown took plenty of photos. So if you ever wanted to see Milt Franklyn sitting with Mel Blanc, or the Friz Freleng family… here’s your chance!


The staff had a screening of newly released cartoons for some Marines; Harry Love did some extra-curricular art direction for a “legit” musical play in Hollywood; and Willie Ito plays the Ukulele!



  • Vernon Rieck was a comic strip artist. He was also involved in religious comics.

  • This New Cartoon Studio Building was opened in September of 1955, it was used until the studio closed down of the new Cartoon Studio Department in the spring of 1963 (this New Cartoon Studio building is only 8 years old after the new Cartoon studio Building was Closed Down in 1963)

  • Vernon Rieck was an early member of the National Cartoonist Society. He drew cartoons for New York City area newspapers in the 1940’s. Then in the 1950’s he drew animation sequences (cels) for Walt Disney Studios. He authored a comic strip, True Adventures. His most famous comic strip is Johnny Stardust.
    Smaller strips include “Jennifer” & “School Daze”.

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