I haven’t had as much of a chance to go through any films over the last few months since it’s usually late in the day or early when that can happen. School has been especially consuming this year, but there’s good work from the students despite some of the limitiations.
I went into the basement to look over the stack of things that are ready to scan — and it’s a really big list! The opportunity to scan 35mm is available with some travel (as all the local places for 35mm are still closed). I have to travel many hours to do so and stay in my car or a hotel while things are being scanned- but I’m happy to have the opportunity. The weather is breaking a bit now so I’m on the road as long as the forecast agrees! I’m hoping to do quite a bit over the weekend if all works out, and that will catch up quite a few things needed for current ‘official’ sets (as well as allow the ability to finish many of the pending ‘special’ sets). Scans elsewhere have been able to move forward for some things, and several special discs are now done and shipping this week. When we’ve been able to scan a chunk of the 35mm prints, we’ll have 12 special sets done and more close. It’s a banner year.
More! Stop Motion Marvels is back from replication. All the pre-orders have started shipping. It’s up on Amazon as of yesterday.
Mid Century Modern, Volume 1 Blu-ray is also replicated after some time being out. We’re working on getting more things replicated, and, since the time is right, starting to retire some of the older DVD titles. For the most part they’ll still be available at the Thunderbean shop, at least for a while.
Rainbow Parades, Volume 1 is looking dandy. Finishing touches are exciting since it’s looking better than I ever expected. I hope to send to replication within a week.
And… today’s cartoon! UPA’s OUTLAWS (1956)
I had to pull some stuff off one of the very first HD scan archives tonight for tomorrow’s animation history class, and on that same archive was Outlaws – a segment of the The Boing Boing Show. I’ve always loved it for its silliness, and was surprised we never had it up here for Thunderbean Thursday.
The interesting thing about the Gerald McBoing Boing Show is that segments were merrily unapologetic in their direction and humor. UPA director Osmond Evans and designer Roy Morita provide a well timed and designed film. Stan Freeberg fans will recognize him on the soundtrack. The film is full of invention in every shot, almost too much to absorb. The whole short is just silly fun, but completely unpretentious and aware of its cartoonyness the entire time.
I wish the print I had was better; it was pretty beet red with very little color to recover. Our scan is adjusted somewhat. The film has a limited palette as designed, but even in this not quite optimal print it is still enjoyable.
Have a good week everyone!
It’s good to hear that More! Stop Motion Marvels is officially available on Amazon.com
Though I’m still waiting for the Blu-Ray Reissue of the First Stop Motion Marvels Set
What’s the Latest Word on it BTW ????
Thanks for posting OUTLAWS, very funny cartoon. Interesting to note that Roy Morita later worked at Jay Ward Productions on ROCKY AND BULWINKLE, HOPPITY HOOPER and GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE while Osmond Evans worked on 1961’s Format Films’ THE ALVIN SHOW ….still the best production of the chipmunks IMO.
Thanks again for your hard work on preserving these cartoons.
Thanks for drawing attention to “Outlaws.” My records show that this was part of the fourth episode of “The Boing-Boing Show,” so it would have premiered in early 1957. Such fun–even with faded colors.
Hey Steve:
I know you’re not allowed to reveal everything, but what are the chances that Flip The Frog will finally come out before the year is over? That’s the one I want the most out of the upcoming things you’re working on.
Flip is nearly done– and is next on the full-time deck after the ‘Rainbow Parades’. I hope to have Flip done in the coming handful on months if we’re able!
I’m glad to hear that. I’m dying for that Flip Blu-ray!
Outlaws is brilliant! Cartoony-ness in the spirit of Fleischer and Scribner!
Bat-guano crazy. The 4 sheriffs on a single law-enforcement horsey, the wacky song, the undervalued Deerfoot Dan.
I had no idea this, or a Boing-Boing Show, even existed. Thanks Steve!
Wow! Outlaws !! I always wanted to watch this one. Thanks a lot for this post! It is always good to bring up those cartoons from the forgotten and underrated Gerald McBoing Boing Show. It deserves much more attention and recognition. The eccletic cartoons presented on the show are true gems of experimentation in the “cartoon modern” vocabulary. Even the ones that don’t work well for some reason are worthwhile. I also hope to see “Blues Pattern” by Pintoff and John Whitney someday.
“Outlaws” used to air, along with other UPA-produced shorts from “Boing-Boing” whenever the prime time movie ran short on the old KBMA-TV in Kansas City. A brand-new station at the time, in was an independent then, and is now NBC affiliate KSHB.
Neither the McBoing-Boing show nor Mouse Detective were shown in S. Florida, where I lived. The soundtrack for “Outlaws” would make a good Stan Freberg phonograph record.
Nice song. Wish this got a 45s release. A lot of these songs on “Boing Boing” should’ve gotten a record release.