October 15, 2018 posted by Jerry Beck

The Exposure Sheet #11 & #12

June and July 1939 — Old Glory is getting special treatment – and something else cartoons rarely got back in those days – press notices and reviews. Old Glory “is well on on it’s way to being slightly terrific!!”

Also noted in issue #11: Leon Schlesinger’s 30th (!!) wedding anniversary; Robert Mckimson and Herman Cohen are visiting the New York World’s Fair; and reactions from a Disney screening of cartoons – which included Robin Hood Makes Good (and its positive reaction). And bios of painter Virginia Jones and assistant technical director Paul Marron. Enjoy!

A clipping from a Los Angeles newspaper publicizing the showing of OLD GLORY – and indicating what features it played with!

In issue #12 – Poetry from Michael Maltese, Dave Monahan and John Carey; Sports reports from the studio teams for hand ball, ping-pong, badminton and bowling; bios of inbetweener Bob North, painter Lela Virgile Perry and animators Sid Sutherland and John Carey.

1 Comment

  • You can almost see Porky’s junk in that pic.

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