Tag Archives: Chuck Jones

Animation Anecdotes #376
August 17, 2018 posted by Jim Korkis

Animation Anecdotes #376

“You know, I often ask myself if I were in a burning house and I could carry out either the original negative to Bambi or the Mona Lisa, what would it be?”

Animation Anecdotes #374
August 3, 2018 posted by Jim Korkis

Animation Anecdotes #374

“Doing both the strip (Life in Hell) and the series, I’m having a blast,” says Matt Groening. “I’m doing what the teachers used to rap me on the knuckles for.”

Animation Anecdotes #373
July 27, 2018 posted by Jim Korkis

Animation Anecdotes #373

In 1990, it was announced that Chuck Jones was actively involved in new projects where Jones would have both creative control and equity in the characters he would create.