The Bob Clampett Walt Disney Connection Part Two
On the 1962 animated version of Beany and Cecil, Clampett decided to parody the popular “Disneyland” television program in an episode entitled “Beanyland”.
On the 1962 animated version of Beany and Cecil, Clampett decided to parody the popular “Disneyland” television program in an episode entitled “Beanyland”.
Bob Clampett always held Walt Disney in high esteem and used him as a business model in creating his own brand.
In this post, I’m going to share two great TV appearances with directors Bob Clampett and Chuck Jones.
Over the years, many people have asked me ‘What is your favorite cartoon?’ Here I attempt an answer.
The second part of an interview with the daughter of Bob Clampett.
I spoke to Ruth about what it was like growing up with one of the greatest directors in animation history.
In 1936, Bob Clampett met author Edgar Rice Burroughs and tried to convince him he could sell a series of cartoons based on his John Carter of Mars stories.
“You know, I often ask myself if I were in a burning house and I could carry out either the original negative to Bambi or the Mona Lisa, what would it be?”
This Bob Clampett “Merrie Melodies” cartoon from Warner Brothers is a one-film time capsule of the peak of American cartooning.
The good news—finally, an animator breakdown on a Bob Clampett cartoon! The bad news, however, is that only the first page of the animator draft is available.