Results for "Tex Avery"

Bye Bye Buddy!
January 21, 2020 posted by James Parten

Bye Bye Buddy!

The studio found its new star from one of the gang introduced in the Merrie Melodies short, I Haven’t Got a Hat. And they continued to plug songs from Warner Bros. films.

Bugz’ Livez:  Antz (Pt. 1)
Animation Trails
August 7, 2019 posted by Charles Gardner

Bugz’ Livez: Antz (Pt. 1)

No, this article’s not all about Dreamworks or Pixar. It’s summer – so I figured we need something appropriate for the season. Summer means picnics. And picnics inevitably mean – ants!

December 28, 2016 posted by Jerry Beck

Animated Movie Guide 6

 (part 6 of 6) 2016 to 2024 Below is a checklist of every animated feature released theatrically in the United States, in order of release, from 2016 to 2024, followed…

Animation Anecdotes #190
December 5, 2014 posted by

Animation Anecdotes #190

Birth of Coal Black. Animation legend Bob Clampett had gone to see a Duke Ellington revue in Los Angeles called “Jump for Joy”. After the show, Bob went backstage and…