Animation Anecdotes #185
October 24, 2014 posted by

Animation Anecdotes #185

The Sherman Brothers Mousecar. Richard and Robert Sherman were presented with the unique “Mousecar” award on August 8, 1985 at the Hollywood Bowl as part of Disneyland’s 30th Anniversary concert…

Jerry Beck Event Calendar
October 22, 2014 posted by

Jerry Beck Event Calendar

Time-out for another update of my forthcoming classic cartoon screenings in the L.A. area. Here’s just a few of the animation programs I’m doing between now and New Years. If…

Annette Tells the Story of “Snow White”
October 21, 2014 posted by Greg Ehrbar

Annette Tells the Story of “Snow White”

Mouseketeer-turned-movie-star Annette Funicello was the first to tell the story from Disney’s landmark animated feature on Disney’s in-house record label. WALT DISNEY’S STORY OF SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS…

Animation Anecdotes #184
October 17, 2014 posted by

Animation Anecdotes #184

Designing Penelope Pitstop. The female Wacky Racer Penelope Pitstop was a last minute addition to the cast. “I remember sitting in my office while Joe (Barbera) was in a meeting…

Castle Films and Kiko The Kangaroo
October 16, 2014 posted by

Castle Films and Kiko The Kangaroo

This week I’ve uploaded a neat curio: A Castle Films promotional film from 1943, featuring Eugene Castle himself and radio-and-movie star Lew Lehr. It’s an odd little promotional film, but…