Show Me the Honey: The 45th Anniversary of “The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh”
Celebrating this compilation of previously released shorts which has become so much more through the years.
Celebrating this compilation of previously released shorts which has become so much more through the years.
Sterling Holloway and the Disneyland Records “stock company” recorded tales, poems and “hums” from the A.A. Milne books that preceded the films or never reached the screen.
Thanks to Boris Zakhoder and Fyodor Khitruk, a Russian twist on A. A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh made its way into animation film history.
The last Pooh featurette to be released during Disneyland Records’ original vinyl era was also the only one to feature Paul Winchell as Tigger—and win a Grammy.
Sears as well as Disney gave the tubby little cubby their support with this little record package featuring members of the film cast and a special campaign song.
The first installment of Walt Disney’s Pooh short trilogy was released 50 years ago, so let’s take a Spin with Pooh and his friends on his first Disneyland vinyl releases.
The second featurette in the Pooh series made its debut on vinyl before the film’s release with several cast changes and a different musical approach.
In this especially bizarre Scrappy cartoon, Scrappy’s bird house is immediately overtaken by a flock of transient birds.
Oh bother! The bear with very little brain through no fault of his own certainly seems to be troublesome for the Walt Disney Company.
In which we note that Sterling Holloway would be 115 this Saturday and look at a Grammy-nominated grab-bag of eclectic music, strange casting and a few Mouseketeers.